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Volker Enderlein edited this page Dec 25, 2019 · 1 revision

Save developer time using powerful software modules for real-time 3D visualization:

  • High-level, retained-mode API for maximum programmer efficiency
  • Integrates seamlessly into the Qt development environment
  • Fully backward compatible with Open Inventor 2.1
  • Full access to source code
  • Multi-platform
  • C++ API, with bindings for Python
  • BSD 3-clause license permitting free commercial use

Main features of the Coin3D package:

  • Coin, the core 3D rendering library API compatible with Open Inventor 2.1
  • Generic GLSL Shader Support
  • Generic Shadow Rendering Functionality
  • Geographical Data Support
  • Multithreading Support
  • Hard-copy vector output in PostScript format
  • TrueType font support for annotations (2D and 3D)
  • 3D sound support
  • 3D textures, multi-textures, bump mapping, Big Image
  • File import/export libraries
  • Plugin for Qt Designer (QWidget)
  • Plugin for volume rendering

Coin architecture


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