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What versions of Coin are compatible

Volker Enderlein edited this page Dec 25, 2019 · 1 revision

You are here: HomeDocumentationMac information pageCoin3D/Mac FAQGeneral questions → Compatibility

What versions of Coin are compatible? Which one shall I use to build my application?

You can run an application linked against Coin-2.0.x with any Coin-2.x installation, but you can not run an application linked against Coin-2.1.x (or a later version) with Coin-2.0.x. If you link against e.g. Coin-2.1.x and the user of your application has only Coin-2.0.x installed, your application will not launch.

Unless you need features introduced in a higher minor version, you should link your application against Coin-2.0.x (not Coin-2.1.x or higher). If your application requires features that are not present in Coin-2.0.x, you should ship Coin-2.1.x as application-specific framework as part of your application bundle.

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