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The no_inst package

Volker Enderlein edited this page Jan 12, 2020 · 2 revisions

You are here: HomeDocumentationMac information pageCoin3D/Mac FAQBuilding, Installation, Deployment → The no_inst package

What do I need the Coin-x.x.x-no_inst package for?

We provide Coin/Mac binaries in two flavours: a disk image containing a standard Mac OS X installer ("Coin-x.x.x.dmg") and an image containing only the Coin framework itself ("Coin-x.x.x-no_inst.dmg"). The binaries themselves are exactly the same; it is only the installation procedure that is different.

Most people prefer the automatic installer, which makes installing Coin a matter of a double-click. Installing Coin in such a way makes it easy to later upgrade, and the disk image also contains the CoinTools package to install the coin command line tools. The -no_inst package is provided for you in case you do not want to use the installer. It contains only the Coin.framework folder itself, which you can drag and drop into your frameworks directory.

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