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ASC Q1 2020 Meeting

Joshua Hursey edited this page Jan 10, 2020 · 11 revisions

PMIx Standard Administrative Steering Committee (ASC) Q1 2020 Meeting

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Agenda (timeline in chart below)

Agenda Timeline

We will try to keep to this timeline as best as we can. However, discussion items may take longer/shorter than anticipated and as a result, the agenda may need to be adjusted during the meeting.

All times in US Central. (Last Update: Jan. 9, 2020)

Start End Topic
11:00 am 11:05 Gathering
11:05 11:15 2020 Quarterly Meetings
11:15 11:25 Outreach in 2020
11:25 11:30 PMIx 4.0 release timeline
11:30 11:35 Call for new ASC Members
- Roll call for attendance/vote
11:35 11:45 Governance PRs up for a vote
* Reading and First Vote
* Second Vote
11:45 1:00 PMIx Standard Reading:
* Chapter 1 Modifications: pdf
1:00 pm 1:30 (break)
1:30 2:30 Plenary discussion items:
* ASC meeting: 1 month agenda announcement followed by 2 week window for changes
* Use case presentations: link
- Business Card Exchange
- Tools and Debuggers
- Hybrid Programming Models
2:30 3:35 Working Group Updates:
* WG: Client Separation / Implementation Agnostic Document
* WG: Slicing/Grouping of functionality
* WG: Dynamic Workflows
* WG: Storage
* Open call for new Working Groups
3:35 3:45 (break)
Technical Presentations:
3:45 4:00 * Artem Polyakov (Mellanox) : PMIx_Get optimizations link
4:00 4:15 * Aurelien Bouteiller (UTK) : Runtime level failure detection and propagation link
4:15 4:30 * Geoffroy Vallee : On-node resource manager for containerized HPC workloads link
4:30 (end) Discussion Items:


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