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ASC Q3 2021 Meeting

Joshua Hursey edited this page Jul 22, 2021 · 17 revisions

PMIx Standard Administrative Steering Committee (ASC) 3Q 2021 Meeting

Quick Links

  • Governance Document [latest]

Agenda (Finalized on July 6, 2021)

This meeting has a floating agenda with specific synchronization points to keep us on track. Rough time estimates are provided per agenda item, and the co-chairs plan to cover the topics in the order seen below. However, since some agenda items will take longer/shorter than anticipated an exact start/end timing is not guaranteed and some items may float to the second day. If you are not able to attend the full meeting and are presenting then please let the co-chairs know and we can plan accordingly.

Day 1: July 20 (10 am - 1 pm US Central Daylight Time)

Start End Topic
10:00 am 10:05 am Gathering (Kathryn)
10:05 am 10:10 am Roll Call (We will start roll call promptly at this time)
10:10 am 11:30 am Discussion of agenda items
11:30 am 11:45 am Break
11:45 am 1:00 pm Discussion of agenda items

Day 2: July 22 (10 am - 1 pm US Central Daylight Time)

Start End Topic
10:00 am 10:05 am Gathering (Josh)
10:05 am 11:30 am Discussion of agenda items
11:30 am 11:50 am Voting and Break Doodle Vote Link
11:50 am 12:30 am Administrative and Working Group agenda items
12:30 am 12:45 pm Technical and Use Case Presentation(s)
12:45 am 1:00 pm Closing discussion and wrap up

Agenda Items

Administrative and Working Group Agenda Items

3Q 2021 (July 1 - Sept. 30) - Virtual
 - 2 day: Tues., July 20 & Thurs., July 22

4Q 2021 (Oct. 1 - Dec. 31) - Virtual
 - 2 day: Tues., Oct. 26 & Thurs., Oct. 28
  • Suggested 2022 quarterly meetings dates and plans
 - 2 day meeting
 - Suggest Tuesday & Thursday during the week
1Q 2022
  - Feb 15 & 17
  - Feb 22 & 24
2Q 2022
  - May 3 & 5
  - May 10 & 12
3Q 2022
  - Aug 9 & 11
  - Aug 16 & 18
4Q 2022
  - Oct. 25 & 27
  - Nov. 1 & 3
  - Dec. 6 & 8
  • ASC Membership
    • Vote on new ASC Members
    • Call for new ASC Members
  • Release Planning
  • Working Group Updates (~ 10-15 minutes each)
    • Client Separation / Implementation Agnostic Document
    • Slicing/Grouping of Functionality
    • Dynamic Workflows
    • Tools
    • Open Call for New Working Groups
  • Technical and Use Case presentations
    • ...
  • Additional discussion items

Meeting Notes:


Person Institution Day 1 Day 2
Josh Hursey IBM X X
Michael Karo Altair X X
Thomas Naughton ORNL X X
Kathryn Mohror LLNL X X
Ken Raffenetti ANL X X
John Delsignore Perforce/TotalView X X
Isaias Compres TU Munich X X
Stephen Herbein LLNL X X
Thomas Hines TTU - "Tenn. Tech." X X
Nat Shineman OSU X X
Dave Solt IBM X X
Guillaume Mercier Inria X
Artem Polyakov Nvidia X X
Swaroop Pophale ORNL X X

Day 1: July 20, 2021

  • Introduction
    • Overview of PMIx ASC, governance body meeting to guide direction/development of standard
    • TODO: Add slides
  • 2021-Q4 meeting location (Oct 26/28, 2021)
    • Tentatively planning a face-to-face, but not sure.
    • This meeting we vote to decide if Q4 meeting should be virtual to avoid complications for those not able to travel yet.
    • Discussion
      • Possibly do a hybrid meeting so cover both options
      • One challenge is that the hosting venue would be more involved for hybrid
      • Several still limited on travel for October.
      • Possibly look at piggy back with meeting in the same timeframe, e.g., SMC
      • We may just want to make things easy on ourselves and go virtual
  • PMIx Standard PRs for 2nd vote (3)
    • #349: MPI Sessions Use Case
    • #347: Ch2 text changes
      • No changes since last reading
      • Briefly, rewording/clarifications to terms “Session”, “Job” and “Namespace”, “Process”, “Application”, “Workflows”.  Refined the details on prefixing for PMIx standard symbols/names/structures, etc.
    • #327: Clarify three roles of consumers of the PMIx interface
      • No major changes, few typos fixed, spacing and minor wording.
      • The ticket is to clarify consumers of the interface and adds language to help when discussion the “roles” for those interfaces.
      • Feedback noted that looks good after previous discussion/updates
  • PMIx Standard PRs for 1st vote (1)
    • #350: Return Codes
      • Found some inconsistency in return codes in standard. Also, would be good to have standard indicate the expected return codes for APIs (e.g.,  under these conditions these codes), to help encourage consistency across different implementations of the standard.
      • Identified a few patterns: simple blocking calls, non-blocking and some that behave as block & non-blocking, and few other cases that do not quite fit those.  Reviewing during the reading to help clarify, to include macro definitions to help structure things.
        • Example LaTeX macros: “returnstart” and “returnend”.
        • These add some consistent verbiage for text on where to look if codes not appropriate, and or list the example error codes that would be used.
      • Feedback:
        • Possibly remove the “being processed by the host environment” from non-blocking return code macro, argument being that this may imply implementation.
      • Note, intention being to convert over to macros and have them be as limited in changes as possible.  And then can refine the text/wording for the macros later once things using macros consistently.
      • Note, it might be nice to have something like MPI Forum’s “Chapter Committees” that would go and check the return codes for all APIs.  This is pretty labor intensive and the current PR has not taken on that larger task of walking through all the APIs in chapters to see how they fit and what they return.
      • Note, in callback areas for non-blocking interfaces, the text is left as-is.  For example, PMIx_Get_nb shows the return codes for the call-back as-is, separate from the LaTeX-ified macros for the function itself.  This is mainly b/c the changes are already large enough w/o also including the callback return codes.
      • Note, may need to adjust text related to feedback on call-back for PMIX_OPERATION_SUCCEDED w.r.t. PMIx_Degregister_event_handler.
      • See also comments added on PR during reading.
      • Found a few minor changes during the reading, so on Thur. will have a Revision Exception vote (to include those few minor changes), and then Vote on PR #350.
  • Governance PRs up for 2nd vote (4)

Day 2: July 22, 2021

  • PMIx Standard is officially a member of SPI
  • Fill out the doodle poll for the 2022 quarterly meetings by Oct. 12
  • Send officer nominations to Co-Chairs by Sept. 21
  • V4.1 release
    • End of year at the latest
    • Currently holding to determine if some tool interface updates from OpenPMIx will make it in time for the 4Q meeting.
    • Possible to release v4.1 without the tools updates, followed by a 4.2 with the tool updates from OpenPMIx.
  • V5.0 release
    • Still targeting 4Q 2021 / 1Q 2022
    • Will include large text changes from working groups that were voted in, use cases, and some provisional items.
  • Working group updates:
    • Client Separation / Implementation Agnostic (Dave)
    • Slicing/Grouping of Functionality (Stephen)
      • Working on Storage Use case w/ Shane
      • Working on Debugger Use case updates w/ Ralph feedback, related to proposed change being brought forward
      • Cross-version compatibility text in progress
    • Tools (Isaias)
      • New WG, prelim meeting to meet and greet.
      • Defining objectives for the group, ideas discussed to develop
        • Transaction / Malleability API
        • Expand capabilities of PMIx into existing RMs, e.g., slurm
        • Consider if MPIR support should be brought into standard
        • Plan to be use case driven when exploring existing/new APIs
        • Anticipate maybe post 5.0, to have time to explore
        • Note: The fitting of existing APIs for the use cases and documenting that will be helpful to understand how to fit things together.
    • Dynamic Workflows (Jai)
      • Discussion: future of this WG
        • Q: Is there someone that might have more time to help w/ leading this effort, or possibly place things on hold?
        • Are there overlapping use cases with Tools WG, and/or distinct pieces that might be useful to share experiences.
        • Possibly have WG chairs discuss and revisit at next monthly
        • See if there are others interested in championing this WG
    • Call for new WGs?
      • None
  • Next monthly meeting Aug. 12, 2021
  • Next Quarterly meeting Oct 26 & 28, 2021
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