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Meeting 2019 11 08

Stephen Herbein edited this page Dec 17, 2019 · 3 revisions



Joshua Hursey (IBM)
Kathryn Mohror (LLNL)
Ken Raffenetti (ANL)
Ti Leggett (ANL)
John DelSIgnore (TotalView)
Shane Snyder (ANL)
Stephen Herbein (LLNL)
Thomas Naughton (ORNL)
Danielle Sikich (Intel)
Martin Schulz (TU Munich)
Michael Karo (Altair)
Jai Dayal (Intel)
Howard Pritchard (LANL)
Karthik Vadambacheri Manian (OSU)
Mahdieh Ghazimirsaeed (OSU)
Paul Rich (ANL)

Stephen's Notes

  • Working Groups
    • 3-4 minutes per WG at SC19 BoF
    • WG should reach out for guidance on slides, etc
    • WGs should be thinking of content for the next ASC quarterly
    • Functionality Slicing WG
      • Next meeting Dec 18th
      • Syncing up over Mailing List
      • Working on several use-case documents
  • MPIR->PMIx, Debuggers/Tools, Instant-on, Hybrid Programming Models, Workflow management
    • Storage WG
      • Iterating on an invitation list, will send out before SC and invite to BoF
      • Collecting previous notes from previous storage working groups
  • Will review PRs from those previous efforts and create a starting-point document
    • First meeting will be after SC
    • Will need a mailing list
    • Dynamic Workflows WG
      • Reviewing standard and documentation of PMIx
      • First target: integrating PMIx with Spark
  • Talking with Spark team etc
    • Needs same logistical support (mailing list, etc).
    • Working on invitation list
  • Thomas Naughton is interested and pointed to a Rutgers group working on Radical Pilot that would be interested
    • Implementation-Agnostic WG
      • Still pushing on Chap 1 changes based on ASC quarterly feedback
      • Planning to finish Chap 1 changes soon and formally present during Q1 meeting
      • Moving onto Chap 2, but that’s mainly a structure chapter which shouldn’t change much
      • Chapter 3 is a big chapter. Big listing of data structures etc. Not as readable as other chapters. Looking to move further down the standard and elevate the other chapters. Would be in between the client and server side interfaces.
      • Might move some callback descriptions next to their main interface definitions to try and make the standard more readable.
  • ASC Quarterly
    • Q1: Jan 23 (Thurs)
    • Q2: Apr 15 (Wed)
    • Q3: Jul 22 (Wed)
    • Q4: Oct 1 (Thurs) - co-located with MPI Forum (Austin, TX)
      • Will also be overlapping with the OpenMP meeting, which depending on agenda may or may not have time for cross-pollination
      • Kent Milfield is the TACC contact for checking room availability, etc
    • Looking to lock down Q1 & Q2 with a soft lock on Q3 & Q4
  • SC’19 PMIx BoF
    • Wed, 12:15 - 1:15 in 210-212
    • Need working group slides by Friday, Nov. 15
    • 3 - 4 minutes per WG
    • Guidance:
      • High level overview, motivation, goals
      • Current state
      • Call for participation
    • Structure
      • Start with OpenPMIx and highlight community achievements
      • Highlight standards body and introduce what’s been going on
      • Focus major of time on WGs and questions/discussion
      • Will be highlighting any publications using/on PMIx (so send your information to Josh if you want it included on that slide)
  • Next Monthly Meeting
    • Want to talk through what might be ready for reading/voting at the next ASC Quarterly
  • Reviewed of PMIx standard repo changes:
    • update to Governance Repo README
    • addition to PMIx wiki (active working groups)
      • WGs should review summary paragraph and let one of the chairs now if they want it changed/tweaked
    • Addition on “Unofficial Draft” to PMIx standard PDF

Thomas's Notes

  • WG: Functional slicing status update
    • Next meeting Dec 18
    • Currently working on Debugging tools use case (some offline/off list Q/A) and working to integrate discussion back into main use cases
    • Josh/Ralph working on migration on MPIR to PMIx info
      • Josh - hoping to have tentative draft after SC
    • Swaroop on debugging interface and Hybrid programming models
    • Stephen on workflow
  • WG: Storage status update
    • Shane Snyder: Getting started, met with Kathryn and currently working on invite list to help get initial meeting on calendar to get things rolling. Reviewing notes from prior storage WG to help inform current efforts.
    • Preparing slides for SC BoF -- use as opportunity to recruit
    • Will sync with Josh about setting up mailing list/Webex
  • WG: Dynamic workflows
    • Jai Dayal: Getting acquianted with PMIx, Starting to integrate PMIx with Spark with Intel team
    • Working on slides for SC BoF
    • Looking for invite list
    • Reaching out to ADIOS group at ORNL and (i missed other name)
    • TJN: I'm interested and expect Radical-pilot group at Rutgers are interested
    • Will sync with Josh about setting up mailing list/Webex
  • WG: Impl. Agnostic Doc status update
    • Josh gave summary for Dave
    • Pushing through ch1 changes, mostly complete
    • Plan - finish Ch1 and have formal review of changes at Q1:2020 meeting
    • Discuss some reworking on structure
    • Ch3 rework - plan to move to end due to readability (lots of details) and add as reference
    • Ch4 thinking about promoting earlier in doc to clarify splitting of different usage interfaces (e.g., tool/client/server)
    • Next meeting Tue 11/12 (see mailing list for details)
  • Josh guidance for BoF slides
    • 3-4 min, motivation goals, current state, calls for participation and open questions to audience
    • Best to have by Friday Nov 15
    • Start with OpenPMIX - highlight community achievements, introduce ASC, WG updates
    • If you have any highlights of work with PMIx, please forward to Josh to include in BoF slides
    • BoF timeslot conflicts with OpenMPI BoF timeslot
  • ASC Quarterly Meetings in 2020
    • 3 virtual, 1 face-to-face
    • Q1: Jan 23 (virtual meeting)
    • Q2: Apr 15 (virtual meeting)
    • Q3: Jul 22 (virtual meeting)
    • Q4: Oct 1 (physical meeting - Austin, TX)
      • Pro: Follow MPI-Forum
      • Con: Overlaps with OpenMP meeting that follows Forum meeting
  • Other updates
    • Josh: Next telecon meeting (Dec. 13, 2019) plan to prep for any voting items at next quarterly meeting
    • Review README updates to governance, membership and workflow diagrams
    • Updated WG info to pmix-standard wiki
    • Added watermark and draft markup to unofficial builds of standard doc
    • PMIx Standard: Targeting end of year for PMIx 4 release
      • in progress - some tools/debugger bits and python bindings
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