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Meeting 2024 01 11

Thomas Naughton edited this page Jan 12, 2024 · 4 revisions


Next PMIx ASC Monthly Meeting:
 * Feb. 8, 2024

PMIx ASC 1Q 2024 Meeting (Format: virtual)
 * Jan. 23 & 25, 2024 (10 am - 1 pm US Central)
   * Dec. 24: Announcement deadline
   * Jan. 12: 2 week freeze deadline on all PR changes (shortened to account for holiday season)
   * Call for Office Nominations: Due Jan. 12


Person Institution
Howard Pritchard LANL
Aurelien Bouteiller UTK
Ralph H Castain self
Thomas Naughton ORNL
Kathryn Mohror LLNL
Norbert Eicker JSC
Michael Karo Altair


  • Next PMIx ASC Meetings:
    • Next Monthly: Feb 8, 2024
    • PMIx ASC 1Q 2024 Meeting (Format: virtual)
      • Jan. 23 & 25, 2024 (10 am - 1 pm US Central)
      • Dec. 24: Announcement deadline
      • Jan. 12: 2 week freeze deadline on all PR changes (shortened to account for holiday season)
      • Call for Office Nominations: Due Jan.
    • Finalized ASC 2Q-4Q dates
      • January Tuesday 23, Thursday 25
      • May Tuesday 7, Thursday 9
      • July Tuesday 16, Thursday 18
      • Oct Tuesday 15, Thursday 17
  • Reminder election of new officers
    • Positions: 1 Co-Chair and 1 Co-Secretary seat are available
      • Remark: Would seem to be good to have someone from implementation side for Co-Chair position (see discussion later in agenda)
      • No immediate proposals
  • PMIx v4.2
    • One PR to be discussed later
  • PMIx v5.1
    • PR creating 5.1 series merged
    • A good bit of drift between v5.0 and v5.1
    • Plan is to just try and address those items, no firm timetable at moment but help on resolving these drift items is welcomed
      • See the “Drift: xyz” ticket items in pmix-standard issues
  • PR announced for 24Q1 vote
  • PR ongoing work (to discuss in 24Q1)
  • Working Groups
    • IAWG:
    • Tool/Dynamics:
    • Call for new WGs
  • Brief review of drift items
    • Triaged items are entered into Issues list with the “Drift:” prefix
    • Note: Not all items identified in scans are needed (e.g., prototyping in openpmix) but once confirmed as gap a new ticket is created.
  • General discussion items
    • New institutional organization between PMIx Standard and Open PMIx discussion continued
    • SPI to HPSF Discussion continued
    • Open Discussion
  • Ralph: Preemption policy infrastructure support, starting to work on ability to query for system defined preemption policy for a given system.
  • Ralph: General discussion on standardization
    • Based on discussions over break, gist being if look at member orgs of Standard body only a portion of Standard supported in respective products.  How well is the standard embraced outside of say Open MPI support, etc.? Raises fair question: Is there something that limits embracing of the Standard?
    • Are there things that could encourage incorporation/use by others?
    • Q: How could member orgs contribute more that would be ideal place for Standards body?
      • What do members want to get out of Standard (use, adoption, etc.)?
    • One remark was that the Standard is large and seen as onerous to adopt/support, and how best to support “sub-sets” and still be successful at getting people onboard.  Restated learning curve challenge.  Also, resource/funding limits are a challenge.
    • DOE ASCR & NSF may have some requests that could support these kinds of efforts.
    • Improvements to accessing information/docs that have been prepared (e.g., use cases).  This could include refactoring webpage, or restructuring the Standard doc itself.  But in general making things more accessible.
    • Stimulate thought on ways to improve dissemination and adoption
  • Aurelien: Standard and Implementation text symmetry, possibly in a ReadTheDocs kind of form that can make it more reusable instead of having larger disconnect – possibly  help to support info dissemination and details linking Standard/Implementation.
  • TODO: TJN Update recaptcha details Monthly & Quarterly
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