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ASC Q4 2023 Meeting

Thomas Naughton edited this page Oct 20, 2023 · 7 revisions

PMIx Standard Administrative Steering Committee (ASC) 4Q 2023 Meeting

Quick Links

  • Governance Document [latest]

Agenda (Finalized on Oct. 4, 2023)

This meeting has a floating agenda with specific synchronization points to keep us on track. Rough time estimates are provided per agenda item, and the co-chairs plan to cover the topics in the order seen below. However, since some agenda items will take longer/shorter than anticipated, an exact start/end timing is not guaranteed, and some items may float to the second day. If you cannot attend the full meeting and are presenting, please let the co-chairs know, and we can plan accordingly.

Day 1: (10 am - 1 pm US Central Daylight Time)

Start End Topic
10:00 am 10:05 am Gathering (--)
10:05 am 10:10 am Roll Call (We will start roll call promptly at this time)
10:10 am 11:30 am Discussion of agenda items
11:30 am 11:45 am Break
11:45 am 1:00 pm Discussion of agenda items

Day 2: (10 am - 1 pm US Central Daylight Time)

Start End Topic
10:00 am 10:05 am Gathering (--)
10:05 am 11:30 am Discussion of agenda items
11:30 am 11:50 am Voting and Break
11:50 am 12:30 am Administrative and Working Group agenda items
12:30 am 12:45 pm Technical and Use Case Presentation(s)
12:45 am 1:00 pm Closing discussion and wrap up

Agenda Items

  • Governance PRs up for a Second Vote:
    • None
  • Governance PRs up for a Reading and First Vote:
    • None
  • PMIx Standard PRs up for a Reading (Provisional):
    • PR #443 Minor edits to Events chapter (Dave)
    • PR #484 How to implement pmix_server_dmodex_req_fn_t when PMIX_REQUIRED_KEY set (Dave)
    • PR #490 Issue 414: ordering & method of specifying procs in collectives clarified (Dave)
    • PR #492 Add value and info APIs (Ken)
  • PMIx Standard PRs up for a Reading (Errata):
    • None
  • PMIx Standard PRs up for a Second Vote:
    • None
  • PMIx Standard PRs up for a Reading and First Vote:
    • None
  • Plenary discussion items
    • Process for keeping PMIx Standard and PMIx ABI repos in sync as interfaces are added/modified/removed
  • Revision Exception Votes
    • None

Administrative and Working Group Agenda Items

  • Review quarterly meeting dates and plans
1Q 2024 - Virtual
  - Jan. TBD (10 am - 1 pm US Central)
2Q 2024 - Virtual
  - May TBD (10 am - 1 pm US Central)
3Q 2024 - Virtual
  - July TBD (10 am - 1 pm US Central)
4Q 2024 - Virtual
  - TBD

Meeting Notes:


Person Institution Day 1 Day 2
Aurelien Bouteiller UTK X X
Norbert Eicker FZJ X
Josh Hursey IBM X X
Ralph Castain Nanook X X
Dave Solt IBM X X
Ken Raffenetti ANL X X
Isaias Compres TUM X X
Michael Raymond HPE X
Brice Goglin Inria X
Thomas Naughton ORNL X
Kathryn Mohror LLNL X

Day 1 notes (Oct. 17, 2023)

  • Governance PRs up for a Second Vote:
    • None
  • Governance PRs up for a Reading and First Vote:
    • None
  • PMIx Standard PRs up for a Reading (Provisional):
    • PR #443 Minor edits to Events chapter (Dave)
      • Collects some improvements found along the way
      • Minor change: "... all invoked handlers" => "...handlers, when relevant"
    • PR #484 How to implement pmix_server_dmodex_req_fn_t when PMIX_REQUIRED_KEY set (Dave)
      • No change
    • PR #490 Issue 414: ordering & method of specifying procs in collectives clarified (Dave)
      • Threaded applications might raise the requirement of different collectives over the same set of processes (but different threads)
      • The proposal changes the behavior if trying to identify concurrent collectives via ordering of procs
      • Group construction is different since calls are identified by the (unique) name
    • PR #492 Add value and info APIs (Ken)
      • Several comments and recommendations were collected
      • Re-read on Thursday
  • PMIx Standard PRs up for a Reading (Errata):
    • None
  • PMIx Standard PRs up for a Second Vote:
    • None
  • PMIx Standard PRs up for a Reading and First Vote:
    • None
  • Plenary discussion items
    • Process for keeping PMIx Standard and PMIx ABI repos in sync as interfaces are added/modified/removed
      • CI doing the sync runs once a week
      • As PMIx API gets extended these might be good candidates for extending the Standard, too
      • Example are extensions for interaction with a scheduler Ralph is currently working on
      • Shall we find a way to avoid doubling the work?
  • Revision Exception Votes
    • None
  • Administrative and Working Group Agenda Items
  • Review quarterly meeting dates and plans
  • 1Q 2024 - Virtual
    • Jan. TBD (10 am - 1 pm US Central)
  • 2Q 2024 - Virtual
    • May TBD (10 am - 1 pm US Central)
    • May 9th is public holiday in Germany and France
    • May 30th is public holiday in Germany
  • 3Q 2024 - Virtual
    • July TBD (10 am - 1 pm US Central)
  • 4Q 2024 - Virtual
    • TBD
  • Elect new officers
  • ASC Membership
    • Vote on new ASC Members
    • Call for new ASC Members
  • Release Planning
    • PMIx 4.2 Release (Josh/Ralph ~ 5 min)
    • PMIx 5.1 Release (Ken/Dave ~ 10 min)
  • Working Group Updates (~ 10-15 minutes each)
    • Client Separation / Implementation Agnostic Document
    • Tools & Dynamic Workflows
    • Open Call for New Working Groups
  • Working time on drift between OpenPMIx and PMIx Standard
  • Working time to triage remaining v4.2 work items
    • PMIx 4.2 Release
  • Technical and Use Case presentations
    • Isaías A. Comprés (TUM) - Dynamics discussion and demo
  • Additional discussion items

Day 2 notes (Oct. 19, 2023)

  • PR 492 - Add value and info APIs (ken)
  • PR 501 - Bump version to 5.1 and add release script
  • Reminder election of new officers
    • Positions: Co-Chair and Co-Secretary seat
  • PMIx v4.2
    • No major updates
  • PMIx v5.1
    • A good bit of drift between v5.0 and v5.1
    • Plan is to just try and address those items, no firm timetable at moment but help on resolving these drift items is welcomed
      • See the “Drift: xyz” ticket items in pmix-standard issues
  • Working Groups
    • IAWG:
      • Lot of comments/feedback on process mgmt chapter 12 and working toward a PR to bring those updates to chapter.
      • Will be continuing through the next chapters going forward
    • Tool/Dynamics:
      • In holding pattern awaiting some implementation items for prototyping
      • Some discussion around dynamic process mgmt and some concern over consensus details with interface/resource-mgr and wanting to have a proof-of-concept before bringing it to the standard
      • Wanting to be careful to ensure no problems
      • See later presentation by Isais for more context on this topic
      • No concerns raised for Tools/Dynamic workflows from interface perspective
    • Call for new WGs – no new suggestions
  • Brief review of drift items
    • Triaged items are entered into Issues list with the “Draft:” prefix
    • Note: Not all items identified in scans are needed (e.g., prototyping in openpmix) but once confirmed as gap a new ticket is created.
  • Technical presentation
  • Voting results
    • All items passed initial vote, and will be up for final vote next meeting
  • General discussion items
    • Q: Resolve officer positions?
      • Josh’s seat for co-chair
      • Thomas’ seat for co-secretary
    • If you have interest or suggestions, please let Josh / Aurelien know
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