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Professor Colin Turner edited this page Nov 30, 2021 · 20 revisions

What is WAM?

WAM started life as a Workload Allocation Modeller, although it is now supports the workflows around moderation and external examination of assessment, and has other features intended to provide support for Academic Schools and Departments. WAM is Free and Open Source, and is designed to be flexible to the needs of many Higher Education Providers.

The Problem

Ensuring a fair and transparent allocation of work to Academic Teams can be hard work, and is often managed in spreadsheets which eventually get distributed, or on paper or similar media. WAM is designed to help with this task, and let you design and implement a Model for your staff workload. The results are easy for all team members to see and to understand, and are intended to make it easy for all the important contributions of team members to be recognised to produce a fair and equitable environment.

Key Aims and Features

WAM offers features in a few key areas.

Contribution / Workload Features

WAM is designed to help staff understand their, and other team member's contribution to the work of the Department or School.

  • Show workloads across peer groups to those members;
  • Part time staff can be compared easily with Full Time staff as their contributions are upscaled;
  • Reduce workload for Academic Management in allocating teaching;
  • Help to give staff an understanding of the year ahead and their contribution to the team;
  • Show how hours are allocated against different activities;
  • Enables staff to see how their time is spent, and help their development and focus on student centred activities;
  • Addresses common Student Survey concerns about assessment and feedback by causing staff to consider those hours spend explicitly.

There is a very basic screencast of some of the Workload features on YouTube

Task Management

WAM can help staff be aware of Task priorities, manage their time, and self certify completion. Busy Academic teams often have many diverse tasks and goals and demands on their time. It can be hard to even remember which tasks need to happen, when, and when we did them.

  • Tasks can be set with deadlines to help team members plan their time;
  • Weekly emails help staff plan ahead for the week;
  • Optional daily emails provide reminders for urgent tasks;
  • Staff can self certify completion, so that they will receive no more reminders for that task.
  • Staff members can see when they completed past tasks and help them prepare for promotion or other advancement.

There is a very basic screencast explaining some of the Task feature on YouTube.

Assessment Handling

  • Allows Exams, Coursework, Solutions and other assessment items to be securely uploaded.
  • Provides download access only to necessary stakeholders.
  • Allows workflow for Moderation by other team members, and External Examination to Quality Assure materials.
  • Notifies key stakeholders when they can take another step within the workflow.

There is a very basic screencast showing some of the Assessment features on YouTube.

More Details

More help and explanation can be found for these.