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Jason edited this page Jan 1, 2020 · 47 revisions

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Table of Contents: Customization

  1. HUD Colors
  2. Custom Crosshairs
  3. Custom Server Favorites
  4. Closed Captions
  5. Medic Rainbow Charge
  6. Streamer HUD
  7. Custom User HUDs
  8. Transparent Viewmodels
  9. Health Cross
  10. Uber Near Crosshair

General Editing Note

To "comment out" a line is to add two forward slashes (//) in front of the line. This makes the game skip over that line when loading the file.


In this image, the lines "file" "scripts/bh_hudanimations/bh_ammo_box.txt" and "file" "scripts/bh_hudanimations/bh_ammo_foreground.txt" are commented out and will be ignored by the game.

Modifying Colors

All of budhud's colors are controlled in \budhud\#customization\_enabled\bh_colors.res.


Custom crosshairs available can be viewed in \budhud\#customization\crosshair images.

whayay's Crosshair

  1. Navigate to \budhud\#customization\crosshair images\whayay's crosshairs.png.
  2. Note the letter or number below the crosshair you would like to use.
  3. Navigate to \budhud\#customization\_enabled and open bh_crosshairs.res.
  4. Find the section titled "whayay_crosshair" and change the letter next to labelText to whatever letter you chose from the screenshot.
  5. Set visible and enabled to 1.

Note: for the "font" entry: You can use "CrosshairOL" for a crosshair with an outline or "CrosshairAA" for a smooth crosshair w/o an outline. You can also add "Small" or "Big" at the end to change the size. e.g. "CrosshairOLSmall"

Knuckles' Crosshair

  1. Navigate to \budhud\#customization\Crosshair Images\Knuckles' Crosshairs.png.
  2. Note the letter or number below the crosshair you would like to use.
  3. Navigate to \budhud\#customization\_enabled and open bh_crosshairs.res.
  4. Find the section titled "knuckles_crosshair" and change the letter next to labelText to whatever letter you chose from the screenshot.
  5. Set visible and enabled to 1.

Fog's Crosshair

  1. Navigate to \budhud\#customization\Crosshair Images\Fog's crosshairs.png.
  2. Note the letter below the crosshair you would like to use.
  3. Navigate to \budhud\#customization\_enabled and open bh_crosshairs.res.
  4. You'll have to look below the section titled "Fog's Crosshairs" and find the section that has the same labelText as the number or letter of the crosshair you chose
  5. Once you find it, you'll have to set visible and enabled to 1.

Credits: whayay, fog, garm3n, konr, Knuckles

Damage Flash (crosshairs)

Damage flash for custom crosshairs can be modified or disabled in \budhud\#customization\_enabled\bh_colors.res. This is located under the section titled "Crosshair Colors"

Adding Custom Server Favorites

To add custom server favorites to the menu, navigate to \budhud\resource\gamemenu.res and change the IP under command as well as the description under tooltip. Additional information can be found in this file.

Closed Captions

This HUD supports the display of closed captions to show who you damage above your ammo. Enable this by putting closecaption 1 in console.

If this doesn't work, try running exec bh_captions.cfg or bh_captions_competitive.cfg. bh_captions_competitive.cfg displays more captions, while bh_captions displays less/more important captions.

Credits: clovervidia

Medic Rainbow Ubercharge

  1. In budhud\scripts\hudanimations_manifest.txt, uncomment the following line: "file" "scripts/bh_hudanimations/bh_medic_chargerainbow.txt"
  2. Comment out the following line: "file" "scripts/bh_hudanimations/bh_medic_charge.txt"

Streamer HUD

To disable all appearances of names in-game, navigate to \custom\budhud\ and change the folder named _stream_ to _stream.

Custom User HUDs

Some users prefer their HUD to look slightly different from the core HUD, and their versions of the HUD can be found in \budhud\#users\.

To enable one of these versions of the HUD:

  1. Navigate to \budhud\#users\
  2. Find the name of the person whose HUD you'd like to use and remove the underscore from the end of the name of the folder. For instance, dane_ would be renamed to dane.

The core HUD must be installed the same either way (see HUD Installation for more information).

Transparent Viewmodels

NOTE: Does NOT work with dx8 users, only dx9+.

  1. Navigate to \budhud\#customization
  • If on Windows, drag bh_transparentviewmodels_windows.res into _enabled
  • If on Mac, drag bh_transparentviewmodels_mac.res into _enabled

If you experience issues with the viewmodels not working, enter this into your console: exec bh_TransparentViewmodels.cfg. This will set various commands necessary for transparent viewmodels to work. You can view this config in \budhud\cfg.

Some people have luck with this working without these commands being entered, so I would try it without them added first.

Credits: komorebi and JarateKing from

Player Health Cross

The player health cross can be enabled by navigating to \budhud\#customization and dragging bh_health_cross.res into _enabled.

If you want your health to appear inside of the healthcross, move bh_health_cross_inset.res into _enabled instead.

Uber Percentage Near Crosshair

Uber percentage near crosshair can be enabled by navigating to \budhud\#customization and dragging bh_uber_nearcrosshair.res into _enabled. Note that this doesn't work properly with the Vaccinator.

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