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3. "Hello World" Tutorial

sy2002 edited this page Jul 4, 2022 · 32 revisions

This tutorial is actually a bit more than "just" the classical "Hello World". It contains six small sub-tutorials to get you started:

  1. Classical "Hello World" using the Welcome-Screen
  2. Add a new menu-item and show an "About & Help" menu
  3. Add two menu-items: Flip the joystick ports and mute the siren
  4. Use multi-select menu items to change the color of the "ball"
  5. Filter files: Only show *.txt files in the file browser
  6. Understanding the QNICE debug console

[@lydon: Here we could advertize your YouTube video]

Please make sure that you have completed the First Steps before proceeding with the tutorials shown here. Use the MyFirstM2M clone you made there for the following exercises.

"Hello World!" using the Welcome-Screen

By default, the Welcome-Screen is shown after power-on (and/or loading the core, respectively) and after each reset. You can configure this behavior in the file CORE/vhdl/config.vhd:

-- show the welcome screen in general
constant WELCOME_ACTIVE    : boolean := true;

-- shall the welcome screen also be shown after the core is reset?
-- (only relevant if WELCOME_ACTIVE is true)
constant WELCOME_AT_RESET  : boolean := true;

For now, do not change anything here, yet, because we want to use the Welcome-Screen to show our "Hello World" message.

Search for the constant SCR_WELCOME in config.vhd. You will notice that this is quite a long, multi-line string constant. You will recognize the contents of the Welcome-Screen that the demo-core is showing. Please be aware that you can and need to use \n to add newlines so that you can format your welcome screen.

Go to the lines that contains this segment:

   "\n\nEdit config.vhd to modify welcome screen.\n\n" &
   "You can for example show the keyboard map.\n" &
   "Look at this example from Game Boy Color:\n\n\n" &

Replace the segment with your personal "Hello World!" message for example:

    "\n\nHello World! Hello M2M! Hello MEGA65!\n\n\n\n" &

Generate a bitstream and run the core.

After that, you might want to set the above-mentioned flags to false so that the Welcome-Screen disappears completely: It will neither be shown upon the initial startup of the core then nor will it be shown after a reset.

New menu-item to show "About & Help"

This mini-tutorial catches two birds with one stone:

  1. You'll get a first sense for how the on-screen-menu works
  2. You'll understand the help-system

M2M contains a help-system that allows you to have up to 15 help topics, where each help topic can have 256 screens. Let's add a menu item that shows some demo help content.

Search for the constant OPTM_SIZE in config.vhd and change its value from 25 to 27.

Add this to the string constant OPTM_ITEMS before the "Close Menu" item:

" About & Help\n"        &
"\n"                     &

The string constant should now look like this:

constant OPTM_ITEMS        : string :=

   " Demo Headline A\n"     &
   "\n"                     & 
   " Item A.1\n"            &
   " Item A.2\n"            &
   " Item A.3\n"            &
   " Item A.4\n"            &
   "\n"                     &
   " HDMI Frequency\n"      &
   "\n"                     &
   " 50 Hz\n"               &
   " 60 Hz\n"               &
   "\n"                     &
   " Drives\n"              &
   "\n"                     &
   " Drive X:%s\n"          &
   " Drive Y:%s\n"          &
   " Drive Z:%s\n"          &
   "\n"                     &
   " Another Headline\n"    &
   "\n"                     &
   " HDMI: CRT emulation\n" &
   " HDMI: Zoom-in\n"       &
   " Audio improvements\n"  &
   "\n"                     &
   " About & Help\n"        &
   "\n"                     &
   " Close Menu\n";

Now go to this block of constants:

constant OPTM_G_Demo_A     : integer := 1;
constant OPTM_G_HDMI       : integer := 2;
constant OPTM_G_Drive_X    : integer := 3;
constant OPTM_G_Drive_Y    : integer := 4;
constant OPTM_G_Drive_Z    : integer := 5;
constant OPTM_G_CRT        : integer := 6;
constant OPTM_G_Zoom       : integer := 7;
constant OPTM_G_Audio      : integer := 8;

And add one more:

constant OPTM_G_AboutHelp  : integer := 9;

After that, locate the constant OPTM_GROUPS and add two more line items right before this block:

     OPTM_G_LINE,                              -- Line
     OPTM_G_CLOSE                              -- Close Menu

The line items that you should add are these:

     OPTM_G_LINE,                              -- Line that separates the Help menu
     OPTM_G_AboutHelp + OPTM_G_HELP,           -- Show help topic #1 

As a result, OPTM_GROUPS will look like this:

constant OPTM_GROUPS       : OPTM_GTYPE := ( OPTM_G_TEXT + OPTM_G_HEADLINE,            -- Headline "Demo Headline"
                                             OPTM_G_LINE,                              -- Line
                                             OPTM_G_Demo_A + OPTM_G_START,             -- Item A.1, cursor start position
                                             OPTM_G_Demo_A + OPTM_G_STDSEL,            -- Item A.2, selected by default
                                             OPTM_G_Demo_A,                            -- Item A.3
                                             OPTM_G_Demo_A,                            -- Item A.4
                                             OPTM_G_LINE,                              -- Line
                                             OPTM_G_TEXT,                              -- Headline "HDMI Frequency"
                                             OPTM_G_LINE,                              -- Line
                                             OPTM_G_HDMI + OPTM_G_STDSEL,              -- 50 Hz, selected by default
                                             OPTM_G_HDMI,                              -- 60 Hz
                                             OPTM_G_LINE,                              -- Line
                                             OPTM_G_TEXT,                              -- Headline "Drives"
                                             OPTM_G_LINE,                              -- Line
                                             OPTM_G_Drive_X + OPTM_G_MOUNT_DRV,        -- Drive X
                                             OPTM_G_Drive_Y + OPTM_G_MOUNT_DRV,        -- Drive Y
                                             OPTM_G_Drive_Z + OPTM_G_MOUNT_DRV,        -- Drive Z
                                             OPTM_G_LINE,                              -- Line
                                             OPTM_G_TEXT,                              -- Headline "Another Headline"
                                             OPTM_G_LINE,                              -- Line
                                             OPTM_G_CRT     + OPTM_G_SINGLESEL,        -- On/Off toggle ("Single Select")
                                             OPTM_G_Zoom    + OPTM_G_SINGLESEL,        -- On/Off toggle ("Single Select")
                                             OPTM_G_Audio   + OPTM_G_SINGLESEL,        -- On/Off toggle ("Single Select")
                                             OPTM_G_LINE,                              -- Line that separates the Help menu
                                             OPTM_G_AboutHelp + OPTM_G_HELP,           -- Show help topic #1 
                                             OPTM_G_LINE,                              -- Line
                                             OPTM_G_CLOSE                              -- Close Menu

Please note that the items in OPTM_GROUPS are having a 1-to-1 relationship to each line (separated by \n) in OPTM_ITEMS. Also please note that OPTM_ITEMS now has 27 lines and OPTM_GROUPS has 27 array elements, just as specified by OPTM_SIZE.

That's it! You now have an "About & Help" menu item that opens demo content that is three screens long.

Try it: Generate a bitstream and play with it. You can open the "About & Help" menu using Return and you can browse through the multiple help pages using Cursor Left and Cursor Right. Press Space to close the help menu.

How it works

You will find a more in-depth description of how the Shell's menu system works here @TODO and all details about the help-system here @TODO. Nevertheless, here is the condensed overview:

  • OPTM_ITEMS defines the names of the menu items and OPTM_GROUPS defines the properties and behaviour of the menu items. There is a 1-to-1 relationship between both: A line in OPTM_ITEMS corresponds to an array element in OPTM_GROUPS.
  • Empty lines in OPTM_ITEMS will be shown as lines, when the corresponding entry in OPTM_GROUPS is set to OPTM_G_LINE.
  • Each menu item that is supposed to "do something" needs to be part of a "Menu Group". This is why you defined the constant OPTM_G_AboutHelp while following the recipe above.
  • Multi-select menu items need all to be in the same Menu Group. See how all the "Item A.*" menu items are part of OPTM_G_Demo_A.
  • Single-select menu items - such as the help menu item - need to have a unique identifier ("Group"). This is why you gave your constant OPTM_G_AboutHelp the unique value 9.
  • Attributes and properties can be added to Menu Groups using the + operator because the values are arranged in a way that the Shell can recognize single bits. This is why you added the OPTM_G_HELP attribute to the OPTM_G_AboutHelp menu item identifier.
  • The help system counts: The first menu item that has a OPTM_G_HELP attribute will show the first help topic. The second menu item that has a OPTM_G_HELP attribute will show the second help topic, and so on. The various help menu items do not need to be in proximity.
  • The example config.vhd file provided with M2M contains a three-page (three-screen) demo help topic. This tutorial does not explain more details how the help-system itself works, but you can look at the constants WHS_DATA and WHS to get a first overview or go to the reference page @TODO to learn more.

Add two menu-items: Flip the joystick ports and mute the siren

Adding the menu-items to config.vhd

Now we are ready to add two menu items that change the actual state of the core: The first one will flip the joystick ports. The demo core's "BreakOut paddle" can not only be controlled by the cursor keys Left and Right but they can be also controlled by a joystick that sits in port #1. If you did not try this, yet, please do right now. After that, connect your joystick to port #2 and see how it is not working. We will fix that with our new menu-item.

The second menu item that we will add will be used to toggle the siren. By default it will be on so that the siren will be on. The flip joystick ports menu item will be off by default; so we will also learn how to work with default values.

If you followed the mini tutorial above, then you already know the trick of how to add menu items to OPTM_ITEMS and OPTM_GROUPS. Let's get started:

Here are two new constants for our list of Menu Group constants:

constant OPTM_G_FlipJoys   : integer := 10;
constant OPTM_G_Siren      : integer := 11;

You can highlight headlines or sections in the menu using the OPTM_G_HEADLINE attribute. Let's do that and create a completely new section at the very top of the menu directly after the first stand-alone "\n" (after " Demo Headline A\n"). Make sure that the first 10 lines of OPTM_ITEMS look like this:

constant OPTM_ITEMS        : string :=

   " Demo Headline A\n"     &
   "\n"                     &
   " My Switches\n"         &
   "\n"                     &
   " Flip Joysticks\n"      &
   " Siren\n"               &
   "\n"                     &  
   " Item A.1\n"            &
   " Item A.2\n"            &
   " Item A.3\n"            &

What we did: We added a headline called "My Switches" that is embedded between two new-lines ("empty lines"). We will make sure that these empty lines will be displayed as lines. We will also make sure that the headline "My Switches" will be displayed differently than the rest of the menu.

Before we proceed, let's count how many lines we added: We added five new lines, starting with "My Switches" and ending with "\n". So let's update OPTM_SIZE:

constant OPTM_SIZE         : natural := 32;  -- amount of items including empty lines:

Last-but-not least, we need to define the semantics. Make sure that the first 10 lines of OPTM_GROUPS look like this (and make sure that you remove the + OPTM_G_HEADLINE after the very first OPTM_G_TEXT just as shown here):

constant OPTM_GROUPS       : OPTM_GTYPE := ( OPTM_G_TEXT,                              -- "Demo Headline" (standard look)
                                             OPTM_G_LINE,                              -- Line
                                             OPTM_G_TEXT + OPTM_G_HEADLINE,            -- Headline "My Switches": Yellow
                                             OPTM_G_LINE,                              -- Line
                                             OPTM_G_FlipJoys + OPTM_G_SINGLESEL,       -- Single select item: Flip joysticks; not selected by default
                                             OPTM_G_Siren + OPTM_G_SINGLESEL + OPTM_G_STDSEL, -- Single select item: Siren; selected by default
                                             OPTM_G_LINE,                              -- Line
                                             OPTM_G_Demo_A + OPTM_G_START,             -- Item A.1, cursor start position
                                             OPTM_G_Demo_A + OPTM_G_STDSEL,            -- Item A.2, selected by default
                                             OPTM_G_Demo_A,                            -- Item A.3

A single-select menu item is being created by using OPTM_G_SINGLESEL, and adding OPTM_G_STDSEL makes sure that a menu item is on by default.

Synthesize the core, run it and check - using the Help key - that the menu is showing the expected menu items. Please note, that the headline "Demo Headline" is no longer shown in yellow (as we removed + OPTM_G_HEADLINE) while "My Switches" is indeed shown in yellow. As soon as this is successful, please continue with the next steps.

Applying the user's on-screen-menu choices to the core in mega65.vhd

The user's menu choices are available in real-time in mega65.vhd via the register qnice_osm_control_i, which is an input port to mega65.vhd:

-- On-Screen-Menu selections
qnice_osm_control_i     : in std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);

The prefix qnice_ means, that this signal / register is in the "Clock Domain" of the QNICE System-on-a-Chip. At this moment you neither need to understand what a "Clock Domain" (or what Clock Domain Crossing (CDC)) actually is, nor do you need to fully understand how QNICE works. The only important thing for now to know right now is:

  1. Always connect signals of the same clock domain with each other.
  2. Do not connect signals of different clock domains with each other.

In our very example this means: It is no problem to wire qnice_osm_control_i to the flip-joystick-port signal called qnice_flip_joyports_o. But it would be a problem, if you propagated qnice_osm_control_i into for example main.vhd that runs in the core's clock domain, and used it there. (Actually it is not difficult to do that, if you work out the Clock Domain Crossing (CDC), but for now, just ignore this and continue with the tutorial's track.)

Go back to the file config.vhd and count (starting from zero) where the two menu items we added are located. You need to count each line of OPTM_ITEMS including text-only items and empty lines. After that, create two constants in mega65.vhd that contain the position. Don't forget to adjust the positions of the other, already existing demo-core menu items: They changed when you added your new menu items. When you are done, the section -- Democore menu items in mega65.vhd should look like this:

-- Democore menu items
constant C_MENU_FLIPJOYS      : natural := 4;
constant C_MENU_SIREN         : natural := 5;
constant C_MENU_HDMI_60HZ     : natural := 15;
constant C_MENU_CRT_EMULATION : natural := 25;
constant C_MENU_HDMI_ZOOM     : natural := 26;
constant C_MENU_IMPROVE_AUDIO : natural := 27;

Now let's make sure that M2M is informed about the user's intention to flip the joystick ports; then M2M will do the rest for you. The qnice_osm_control_i contains this information at position C_MENU_FLIPJOYS so all we need to do is is to change this code here

-- Flip joystick ports (i.e. the joystick in port 2 is used as joystick 1 and vice versa)
qnice_flip_joyports_o      <= '0';

into this code here:

-- Flip joystick ports (i.e. the joystick in port 2 is used as joystick 1 and vice versa)
qnice_flip_joyports_o      <= qnice_osm_control_i(C_MENU_FLIPJOYS);

Next, let's make sure that the siren can be muted. Find the line that assigns a zero to qnice_audio_mute_o and change it to this code:

qnice_audio_mute_o         <= not qnice_osm_control_i(C_MENU_SIREN);

We are using not because the semantics is: If the Siren menu item is on then the siren should be audible.

Done. Pretty elegant, isn't it? Make a bitstream, run it and test it:

  1. The siren is on. Press Space and play a bit. Your joystick should be in port #2, so you can move the paddle using the cursor keys but not using the joystick.

  2. Open the menu by pressing Help and unselect "Siren": The siren should be immediatelly muted.

  3. Choose "Flip Joysticks" and note, how the menu item is visually selected in the menu. If you move your joystick now, it will not yet work. The reason is: The menu is still open and JOY_1_AT_OSD in config.vhd is set to false which means: While the menu is open, the joystick is disconnected from the core.

  4. Close the menu by pressing Help. Move your joystick to the left and to the right and note how the joystick moves the paddle.

Use multi-select menu items to change the color of the "ball"

The standard color of the ball is orange. Open main.vhd and search for this line of code inside the instatiation of the entity work.democore:

ball_col_rgb_i       => x"EE4020",                          -- ball color (RGB): orange         

What you are seeing here is, that the democore actually allows you to specify the color of the ball in the RGB color format. RGB stands for red, green and blue. If you enter rgb to hex in Google, then Google will present you a small converter app. Copy the value shown above, i.e. EE4020 into the "HEX" field of Google's app and you will immediately see the shade of orange that is the default color of the ball.

You can now play around with the app's controls to find colors you like and then copy the hexadecimal value. For the sake of simplicity, we are just using red, green and blue, plus the original orange.

In main.vhd, between the keywords architecture and begin, add these constants that either use your own colors - in this case you might want to rename them - or just proceed with organge, red, green and blue:

-- Color constants for the ball
constant BALLCOL_ORANGE    : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) := x"EE4020";
constant BALLCOL_RED       : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) := x"FF0000";
constant BALLCOL_GREEN     : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) := x"00FF00";
constant BALLCOL_BLUE      : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) := x"0000FF";

The next step is something that you will very likely do more often than not when porting MiSTer cores: You will add some signals to the interface of the entity main. In some cases this might be due to additional clocks that the core needs. In other cases you might need to add RAM or ROM signals where these entities are managed inside mega65.vhd due to Clock Domain Crossing topics. There might be control signals that you want to share. And so on. The bottom-line is, that it is pretty normal and part of M2M's architecture that you as a user of the framework add signals so that entity main can communicate with entity MEGA65_Core (in mega65.vhd) and vice versa.

Remember: entity main is meant to be the place where the "MiSTer core can peacefully live in its own little bubble and clocking domain and whatnot without ever knowing anything about the MEGA65". This quote is from the First Steps chapter of this Wiki; you might want to review the section main.vhd: i_main.

In this step of our tutorial, our goal is to let the user choose the color of the ball using the on-screen-menu. So our entity main needs to become aware of what the user selected. One way of doing this is to provide entity main with the vector that contains the on-screen-menu (OSM) selections. Let's do that by adding these two lines after the pause_i input port:

-- On-screen-menu selection
osm_i                   : in  std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);

The first 12 lines of entity main's definition should now look like this:

entity main is
   generic (
      G_VDNUM                 : natural                     -- amount of virtual drives     
   port (
      clk_main_i              : in  std_logic;
      reset_soft_i            : in  std_logic;
      reset_hard_i            : in  std_logic;
      pause_i                 : in  std_logic;
      -- On-screen-menu selection
      osm_i                   : in  std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);

Now we need to ensure that the entity MEGA65_Core (in mega65.vhd) is actually sharing the OSM information with entity main. If you are using the Vivado IDE, then you will already see a visual indicator of an error when opening mega65.vhd and scrolling down to the module instatiation i_main : entity work.main:

In other words: Vivado rightfully complains that we are not providing a value for a mandatory input. We can correct this by passing the OSM status vector to osm_i. As already explained above: Always connect signals of the same clock domain with each other. Since the demo core (and all MiSTer cores) are running in the main clock domain, we must not use the OSM vector qnice_osm_control_i that we used above. The qnice_osm_control_i vector is consisting of Flip-flops that are updated by the QNICE clock. Instead, we need to use main_osm_control_i.

Add the following two lines of code in mega65.vhd after the pause_i port mapping:

-- On-screen-menu selection
osm_i                => main_osm_control_i,

The first 12 lines of the instatiation of work.main should now look like this:

i_main : entity work.main
  generic map (
     G_VDNUM              => C_VDNUM
  port map (
     clk_main_i           => main_clk,
     reset_soft_i         => main_reset_core_i,
     reset_hard_i         => main_reset_m2m_i,
     pause_i              => main_pause_core_i,
     -- On-screen-menu selection
     osm_i                => main_osm_control_i,

We now need some menu items that the user of our demo core can select to change the ball's color. So let's open config.vhd and re-use the multi-select menu that is already there: Change the menu items "Item A.1" to "Item A.4" into "Orange", "Red", "Green" and "Blue". The first 13 lines of the definition of OPTM_ITEMS should now look like this:

constant OPTM_ITEMS        : string :=

   " Demo Headline A\n"     &
   "\n"                     &
   " My Switches\n"         &
   "\n"                     &
   " Flip Joysticks\n"      &
   " Siren\n"               &
   "\n"                     &
   " Orange\n"              &
   " Red\n"                 &
   " Green\n"               &
   " Blue\n"                &

As you already learned above, the semantics - i.e. the meaning - of the menu items are defined in OPTM_GROUPS. Let's review the entries of OPTM_GROUPS that are associated to "Orange", "Red", "Green" and "Blue":

OPTM_G_Demo_A + OPTM_G_START,             -- Item A.1, cursor start position
OPTM_G_Demo_A + OPTM_G_STDSEL,            -- Item A.2, selected by default
OPTM_G_Demo_A,                            -- Item A.3
OPTM_G_Demo_A,                            -- Item A.4

We can see, that the "menu group" that represents our color selection is called OPTM_G_Demo_A. If the framework encounters a group of menu items that share the same "menu group" and if there is no other attribute that changes the semantics, then the framework automatically generates a multi-select menu section, in our case "Orange", "Red", "Green" and "Blue". The name of the constant that we use to denote that menu group, in our case it is OPTM_G_Demo_A, does not matter. But it is a best practice to use meaningful names. Go to the definition of our menu group constants and change the first constant's name to OPTM_G_BallCol, so that the first three lines of the menu group constant definition now look like this:

constant OPTM_G_BallCol    : integer := 1;
constant OPTM_G_HDMI       : integer := 2;
constant OPTM_G_Drive_X    : integer := 3;

Next, change the OPTM_GROUPS array and the comments like this:

OPTM_G_BallCol + OPTM_G_START,            -- Organge, menu's cursor start position
OPTM_G_BallCol + OPTM_G_STDSEL,           -- Red, selected by default
OPTM_G_BallCol,                           -- Green
OPTM_G_BallCol,                           -- Blue

The meaning of the OPTM_G_START start flag is: This is the menu item, where the selection cursor should be placed when opening the menu by pressing the Help key. In our example this means: The selection cursor will be placed over "Orange". But orange will not be the default color that the ball will have when you start the core. Instead, "Red" will be the default: Within a group of menu items that form a multi-select group, the the flag OPTM_G_STDSEL defines the very item that is selected by default. In our case we chose "Red" just to demonstrate the fact, that OPTM_G_START (cursor default position) and OPTM_G_STDSEL (standard selection) do not necessarily need to be united at the same menu item.

As a final step, we need to add some logic that translates menu selections into a color input for the demo core. Open main.vhd and add constants that represent the positions of the menu items for "Red", "Green" and "Blue". We will not need the position for "Orange" because we will utilize the orange color as our internal default value (independent from the settings above). You might recall: You need to count the position of the menu line item starting from zero in OPTM_ITEMS in config.vhd. Doing so yields the following positions, given that you followed the whole tutorial from the beginning:

-- Position constants for osm_i
constant C_MENU_RED        : natural := 8;
constant C_MENU_GREEN      : natural := 9;
constant C_MENU_BLUE       : natural := 10;

Make sure that you are adding this constant definitions in main.vhd (not in mega65.vhd). A good place to put them is right below the color constants.

Next, we need a signal that represents the selected color. Add the following two lines below the position constants that you just added in main.vhd:

-- Signal that contains currently used color constant
signal   ball_color        : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);

Now we change the hardcoded color value EE4020 to the dynamically evaluated color value ball_color by changing the input of the demo cores's port ball_col_rgb_i that you have seen at the very beginning of this section like this:

ball_col_rgb_i       => ball_color,                         -- ball color chosen via OSM         

What is still missing is the actual logic that translates the OSM selection into a color value. Add the following process below the begin keyword that follows the architecture keyword but before the instantiation of the demo core i_democore : entity work.democore:

select_ball_color : process(osm_i)
  ball_color <= BALLCOL_ORANGE;    -- default value; make sure that no latch is synthesized
  if osm_i(C_MENU_RED) then
     ball_color <= BALLCOL_RED;
  elsif osm_i(C_MENU_GREEN) then
     ball_color <= BALLCOL_GREEN;
  elsif osm_i(C_MENU_BLUE) then
     ball_color <= BALLCOL_BLUE;
  end if;
end process;

Most of this code is straightforward: We have a purely combinatorial process. If a certain bit is set in the OSM vector then assign the approriate color constant to the color signal. A question might arise around the first assignment:

ball_color <= BALLCOL_ORANGE;    -- default value; make sure that no latch is synthesized

The reason why we are using such a default value (which could also have been wrapped inside a final else clause) is: osm_i has many more states than just the few states we are interested in here. If we would not specify any else or default value in the process then a latch would be synthesized to hold the value of ball_color steady in all the cases that are not "mentioned" in the process. This is not, what we want. Instead, what we want here is that ball_color is a pure combinatorial signal. And this is also why we did not need any position constant for "Orange" because "Orange" is the default case of the process.

Now it is time to synthesize and run the core. You will notice that:

  • Below the "Siren" menu item and the line there are four menu items called "Orange", "Red", "Green" and "Blue".
  • The menu selection cursor when you press Help is located over "Orange", that means if you wanted to use the "Flip Joysticks" menu item, you would need to press Cursor Up two times. Reason: We have chosen "Orange" as the menu item, that is selected by default when opening the menu for the first time using the flag OPTM_G_START.
  • The color of the ball is red from the start. Reason: We have chosen red as the default color using the flag OPTM_G_STDSEL.
  • You are able to switch the ball's color in real-time by choosing the different menu item and then pressing Return. This is expected because most things inside an FPGA happen in parallel to each other. The demo core is not aware that a QNICE core is running which shows any menu. The demo core is just aware of the input port that specifies the ball color.

Filter files: Only show *.txt files in the file browser

When you use any of the three OSM items "Drive : " (=X, Y or Z), then M2M's file- and directory browser is shown and you can use the cursor keys and Return to "mount" a drive. Actually, the demo core does not support any drives, so this functionality is just there to show you how the file- and directory browser works (learn more about it here).

Let's suppose we only wanted to show *.txt files in the file browser. To tell the framework that this is what we want, we need to edit a so called "callback function" inside the file m2m-rom.asm. You find this file in the folder CORE/m2m-rom.

Before we do that, let's make sure we have a bunch of *.txt files on our SD card. It is recommended that you use the external SD card (at the back of the MEGA65) for this experiment, because the external SD card takes precenence over the internal SD card (located in the bottom tray). This means that the M2M file- and directory browser will always start at the external SD card, if it is inserted. Learn more about how to switch between the internal and external SD card here. Copy at least one *.txt file on the SD card. Long file names and directories are supported, so you can experiment a bit by copying several files with long and short file names to different locations/folders. After you prepared your SD card like this, insert it to the external slot and run the core to test if you can see your *.txt files together with all the other files that might be on your SD card.

Now let's extend m2m-rom.asm to filter for *.txt files. Locate the label FILTER_FILES. This is a "callback function", i.e. the M2M framework will call this function to learn more about valid file- and directory names. In general this is not only about filtering unwanted file-extensions. You could also filter unwanted files and also directories. So our tutorial use case is a very simple example.

The existing callback function looks like this:

FILTER_FILES    XOR     R8, R8                  ; R8 = 0 = do not filter file

The comment right above the FILTER_FILES label, gives you some context how the callback functions works: The callback function is called for each and every file- and directory name that M2M discovers in the currently active folder, which means that the callback function is supposed to decide for each and every file and folder if it should be shown to the user or not.

M2M provides a pointer to a zero-terminated string in register R8 which is the file- or folder name. And there is a flag in R9 that states if the currently provided string in R8 is the name of a file (then R9 is zero) or a folder (then R9 is one). If you return the value zero in the QNICE register R8, then the file is shown (i.e. "not filtered"). Any other value in R8 means the file will be filtered.

Now change the two assembly lines shown above by the following code segment:

                MOVE    R9, R0
                CMP     1, R9                   ; do not filter directories
                RBRA    _FFILES_RET_0, Z

                ; does this file have the ".TXT" file extension?
                MOVE    TXT_EXTENSION, R9
                RSUB    M2M$CHK_EXT, 1
                RBRA    _FFILES_RET_0, C        ; yes: do not filter it

                MOVE    1, R8                   ; no: filter it
                RBRA    _FFILES_RET, 1

_FFILES_RET_0   XOR     R8, R8

_FFILES_RET     MOVE    R0, R9

Teaching you QNICE assembly is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but let's nevertheless go through the code line by line:

  • INCRB increases the current "register bank" of QNICE so that the existing values in registers R0 to R7 are saved and a fresh set of R0 to R7 can be used.
  • MOVE R9, R0 copies the value of register R9, which is the flag that states if we are looking at a file or a folder, to R0, so that we can restore the original value of R9 later. This is strictly spoken not necessary in this very situation, but it is a best practice for robust coding.
  • CMP 1, R9 checks, if we look at a folder/directory at this moment.
  • RBRA _FFILES_RET_0, Z jumps to the label _FFILES_RET_0 in case R9 equals 1, which will end the callback function by returning a zero.
  • MOVE TXT_EXTENSION, R9 moves the address of the label TXT_EXTENSION to the register R9. Please note that we did not define this label, yet, so if we would try to assemble this code, we would get an error. Also please note that at this point in time, R8 still contains the pointer to the zero-terminated string that contains the name of the file. At this moment we can be sure that we are talking about a file, because the CMP and RBRA commands above ensured this.
  • RSUB M2M$CHK_EXT, 1 performs a sub-routine call: The M2M framework provides a function called M2M$CHK_EXT. As the name might suggest, it checks if a certain file (string pointer to name given in R8) ends with a certain file extension (string pointer to extension given in R9). It sets the carry flag if the name has the given extension and it deletes the carry flag otherwise. You need to ensure that R9points to am uppercase string.
  • RBRA _FFILES_RET_0, C jumps to the label _FFILES_RET_0, if the carry flag is set, i.e. if the file name has the file extension *.txt that we are looking for. Remember that returning a zero means we are not filtering so the file is shown to the user.
  • MOVE 1, R8 is executed if the carry flag was not set, i.e. if the file has any other extension than *.txt. So copying the value 1 to R8 allows us to tell this to the M2M framework.
  • RBRA _FFILES_RET, 1 is an unconditional jump to the label _FFILES_RET.
  • _FFILES_RET_0 XOR R8, R8: This code defines the label _FFILES_RET_0, which we need above in case we do not want to filter a file. It also executes XOR R8, R8 which is equal to MOVE 0, R8 but executes a bit faster.
  • _FFILES_RET MOVE R0, R9: The label _FFILES_RET is defined. We use this label to "jump over" the XOR R8, R8 statement in case we want to filter a certain file. The MOVE R0, R9 restores the original value of R9 since we have overwritten R9 above, when we moved the string pointer to the file extension to R9. As stated above: In this very case it would not be necessary to save and restore R9 so that we leave it unchanged after the callback function call; it is just a best practice.
  • DECRB restore the lower register bank R0 to R7. In contrast to the above-mentioned "optional" best practice of leaving the upper registers untouched, it is mandatory to leave the lower registers untouched. So the INCRB and DECRB pair is how you begin and end sub-routines.
  • RET returns control to the caller, which is the M2M framework.

Have a look at qnice_intro.pdf, if you would like to learn more about the QNICE Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) and about QNICE assembly. The MiSTer2MEGA65 framework uses a QNICE System-on-a-Chip (SoC) plus custom peripherals to provide many of its services. Read the QNICE section of this wiki for a deep dive.

If you use the Vivado IDE, you normally choose the menu item "Generate Bitstream" to synthesize a new version of the tutorial core and to create a bitstream. If you try this now, you will see that Vivado did not notice that anything changed. This is logical, because the assembly file m2m-rom.asm that you modified throughout this section is not directly "known" by Vivado. So what you need to do to generate a new bitstream is:

  1. Assemble m2m-rom.asm to generate a new version of m2m-rom.rom
  2. Choose the menu item "Run Synthesis" in Vivado
  3. After (2) completes, choose the menu item "Generate Bitstream"

To perform step (1), open a terminal window, go to the folder CORE/m2m-rom and run the bash script You should see an output similar to this one, while the line number might differ:

assemble: Line 11272: Unresolved label or equ >>TXT_EXTENSION<<!
Offending line:
                MOVE TXT_EXTENSION, R9

main: There were 1 errors during assembly! No files written!
An unrevoverable error occured!

The reason for this error message is, that we did not yet define any label inside m2m-rom.asm that points to a zero-terminated string which represents the *.txt file extension we are looking for (and remember it needs to be specified in upper-case). Let's do that now: Search for the section called "Core specific constants and strings" in m2m-rom.asm and add this code:


Retry building m2m-rom.rom by re-running You should see an output similar to this (while the amount of lines might differ):

qasm2rom: 14210 ROM lines written.

Now you can build the new version of the core by executing the above-mentioned steps (2) and (3).

Hint: Step (1) is always executed automatically by Vivado. It nevertheless makes sense to manually use during development because it outputs the error message faster and in a better readable form, so you will be able to debug your code quicker.

When you run the core and "mount a drive" using the OSM, you will now see that the file- and directory browser is only showing the *.txt files that are on the SD card. You still can browse all directories.

Understanding the QNICE debug console