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File and Directory Browser

sy2002 edited this page Jul 4, 2022 · 3 revisions

Thanks to long filename support and alphabetically sorted file- and directory listings, mounting a disk image is straightforward. Press MEGA65's Help key to open the on-screen-menu while the C64 is running and select 8:<Mount Drive> using the cursor keys and Return. Here is how the browser works:

  • Navigate up/down using the Cursor up and Cursor down keys
  • Page up and page down using the Cursor left and Cursor right keys
  • Return mounts a disk image
  • Run/Stop exits the file browser without mounting
  • Remembers the browsing history, i.e. even while you climb directory trees, when you mount the next image, the file selection cursor is positioned where you left off. This is very convenient for mounting multiple subsequent disks of a demo in a row.
  • Support for both SD card slots: The back slot has precedence over the bottom slot: As soon as you insert a card to the back slot, this card is being used. SD card changes are detected in real-time; also while the file browser is open.
  • Within the file browser you can use F1 to manually select the internal SD card (bottom tray) and F3 to select the external SD card (back slot).
  • The disk image is internally buffered, which means you can remove or switch the SD card even while the C64 is accessing the disk.
  • An already mounted drive can be unmounted (i.e. "switch the drive off"), if you select it in the Help menu using the Space bar. If you select an already mounted drive with the Return key instead, then for the C64 this is more like switching a diskette while leaving the drive on. Use the latter mechanism via Return when a game or a demo asks you to turn the disk or to insert another disk.
  • The file browser defaults to the folder /c64 in case this folder exists. Otherwise it starts at the root folder.
  • The file browser only shows files with a valid file extension. Currently, we only support .d64.