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Releases: tl-its-umich-edu/remote-office-hours-queue

1.10.0 Release

01 Jul 18:37
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.9.0...1.10.0

1.9.0 release

20 Feb 19:11
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.8.0...1.9.0

1.8.0 - Dependency update, minor bug fixes and enhancements

26 Jun 19:51
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.7.0...1.8.0

1.7.0 - Select backend library updates, changes to support M1 development

29 Mar 19:45
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.6.3...1.7.0

1.6.3 - Zoom OAuth fixes

13 Sep 10:52
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  • Fix re-authorization in case of app removal on Zoom side (#363).
  • Fix Zoom token refreshing logic to improve efficiency (#365).

Fix issue joining meetings with Personal Meeting ID option enabled

01 Dec 21:37
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Fix bug that was preventing users from installing the Zoom integration

02 Aug 22:29
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August 3, 2021

Bug fixes and other user-facing changes

  1. Fix bug that was preventing users from installing the Zoom integration. When users attempted to install the Zoom integration, Zoom would sometimes show an error due to the removal of support on Zoom's end for including scopes in the OAuth request URL. More info: (#342)

Waiting Room for Zoom Meetings, In-Person Meeting Location Field

07 May 16:36
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May 11, 2021

New user-facing features

  1. Zoom meetings will have a Waiting Room. To comply with upcoming changes to the U-M Zoom account, Zoom meetings created by ROHQ will have a Waiting Room turned on for security. No other security options will be added (i.e. no Authentication, no Passcode). The Waiting Rooms added by ROHQ will behave as configured by the Waiting Room Options in the host's Zoom settings. Note that the Waiting Room Options apply to all Zoom meetings you host that use a Waiting Room, not only meetings created through ROHQ. When joining a Zoom meeting through ROHQ, hosts should make sure to check for attendees in the Waiting Room. Learn more about how to use Zoom Waiting Rooms. (#268)

  2. In-Person Meeting Location field for queues allowing in-person meetings. If a queue has In-Person enabled as an allowed meeting type, a field will be available to specify the in-person meeting location to attendees to help them know where to go for their meeting. Hosts may add an in-person meeting location to existing queues from their queue's settings page. (#234)
    U-M student @vjcao contributed this feature. Thank you Vincent!

Host View: In-Person Meeting Location field in Add Queue/Queue Settings

In-Person Meeting Location field in Queue Settings

Attendee View: In-Person Meeting Location prior to joining the queue

In-Person Meeting Location attendee view prior to joining queue

Attendee View: In-Person Meeting Location after joining the queue

In-Person Meeting Location attendee view after joining queue

Attendee View: In-Person Meeting Location after joining the queue, if field is blank

In-Person Meeting Location attendee view after joining queue, if field is blank

Bug fixes and other user-facing changes

  1. Hover indicator for navigation bar. When using a device with a mouse (i.e. computer, etc), if users hover their mouse over the Home, Resources & Support, or Login and/or uniqname links, the area around the links will turn medium blue to help users identify that these are clickable links, and which area they are hovering over. If users hover their mouse over links in the dropdown that appears when hovering over their uniqname while logged in, the area around the links will turn gray. When using a device without a mouse (touchscreen), if users click on Home, Resources & Support, or Login and/or uniqname links, the area around the links will turn medium blue briefly until the new page appears to show that the link has been clicked. (#204)
    U-M student @vjcao contributed this feature. Thank you Vincent!

Home link highlighted blue

Manage Queues link highlighted gray in dropdown

Non-user-facing changes


Removal of BlueJeans

22 Feb 21:00
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February 23, 2021

Bug fixes and other user-facing changes

  1. BlueJeans no longer available as a meeting type option. As part of the U-M BlueJeans Retirement, BlueJeans has been removed as an available meeting type in ROHQ. The remaining meeting types are Zoom and In Person. Queues that had BlueJeans enabled have been switched to Zoom (BlueJeans un-enabled, Zoom enabled). Meetings in Queue (i.e. unstarted meetings) that used BlueJeans meeting type have been switched to Zoom. Meetings in Progress (i.e. started meetings) that used BlueJeans meeting type remain as BlueJeans type to allow them to finish meeting. Any remaining BlueJeans meetings will be removed at a later date prior to the final BlueJeans retirement in May. (#303 #317)

  2. Remove Meeting Type even if there is a Meeting in Progress. Previously, if hosts attempted to change the allowed meeting types in a queue's settings, they would not be able to remove a meeting type if there was a Meeting in Queue and/or a Meeting in Progress that used this meeting type. This has been changed, and now hosts may remove an allowed meeting type even if there is a Meeting in Progress that uses this meeting type. The Meeting in Progress will not be impacted, and will be permitted to continue meeting using the disallowed meeting type. Hosts are still not permitted to remove a meeting type if a Meeting in Queue uses that meeting type. In order to remove the allowed meeting type, hosts may create the meeting/mark ready for attendee on all Meetings in Queue which use this meeting type, then remove the meeting type. (#320)

  3. End Meeting button in Meetings in Progress changed to trash icon. After testing with hosts, the ROHQ team found that hosts were confused by the language of "End Meeting" as used in the button to remove a Meeting in Progress. The button has been changed to a red trash icon to match the way that hosts remove a Meeting in Queue. (#272)

  4. Errors show by the relevant field. If an error occurs when a host attempts to add a new host to their queue (either in Add Queue or an existing queue's Settings) or when a host attempts to manually add an attendee in Meetings in Queue, the errors will show just above the field to make them more visible. For example, if a host attempts to add another host who has never logged on to ROHQ, the "Add Host: [uniqname] is not a valid user. Please make sure the uniqname is correct, and that they have logged onto Remote Office Hours Queue at least once." error will now show just above the Uniqname field instead of at the top of the page. (#239)

  5. Zoom Call-In Information for Hosts. If a host opts to call in via telephone to a ROHQ Zoom meeting without joining on their computer or mobile device, the host will need to use their host key to start the meeting. ROHQ will now include instructions for hosts on how to find their host key in Join Info where the information on calling in is found. (#301 #315)

When calling in by phone, you will need to enter a host key to start the meeting. Find your host key at the bottom of your Zoom profile. DO NOT share your host key with anyone!

  1. Attendee 'Cancel My Meeting' pop-up language. Previously, if an attendee had a Meeting in Progress and they clicked Cancel My Meeting to remove the meeting, the pop-up confirmation language referred to "Leaving the line" the meeting instead of "Cancelling" the meeting, which was confusing since the attendee was no longer in line. The language now refers to "Cancelling". (Note that if a meeting is in queue, the pop-up language still uses "Leave the line" language instead of "Cancel") (#261)

Are you sure you want to cancel the meeting? By cancelling the meeting, you will no longer meet with the queue host(s). If you change your mind, you will have to re-join at the end of the line.

  1. Attendee Queue Closed Message. The message that attendees see if they have a meeting in progress, but the queue has been closed has been adjusted to acknowledge that their meeting is in progress instead of in queue. (Note that if a meeting is in queue, the language still uses "meeting in queue" language instead of "meeting in progress" language) (#300)

This queue has been closed by the host, but your meeting is still in progress. If you are unsure if your meeting will still happen, please contact the host.

  1. BlueJeans-specific text removed from homepage. Prior to this release, unauthenticated users viewing the homepage would see a message, "Join or host a queue for office hours over BlueJeans!" This release changes this language to "Join or host a queue for office hours!" (#304)

Non-user-facing changes

#303 #311 #317

Meetings in Progress, Just-in-Time Meetings, and Zoom Integration

15 Dec 20:01
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December 17, 2020

New user-facing features

  1. Meetings in Progress. All hosts will now see two sections on the Manage page view of open queues: Meetings in the Queue and Meetings in Progress. Meetings in Progress separates active meetings from those waiting in the queue. Meetings in Queue displays the meetings waiting to be started. (#226 #227 #230 #231 #232 #244 #247 #270 #271 #269)
    Meetings in Queue section with 4 meetings in queue
  • When an attendee joins the queue, their meeting must first be assigned to a host before the meeting can be started ("starting" means clicking "Ready for Attendee" or "Create Meeting" and therefore moving the meeting to Meetings in Progress). Until the host is assigned, Meeting Actions will show "Please assign host." Queues with only one host will have the host automatically assigned to the sole host for your convenience.
  • Before a host is assigned, attendees may change between allowed meeting types for the queue if there are multiple (for example, change from In Person to BlueJeans). Once a host is assigned, attendees may not change the meeting type.
  • Once a host is assigned, only the assigned host may start or delete the meeting. However, the assigned host can be changed or unassigned by clicking in the Host drop-down to allow another host to take these actions.
  • Once the meeting is started, the meeting moves to Meetings in Progress.
  • Before an attendee has joined the queue, the number of people in line they see reflects the number of meetings in Meetings in Queue. Meetings in Progress do not count toward this number.
  • Once an attendee has joined the queue, their place in line matches the Queue # visible to the host; this number also does not factor in Meetings in Progress. This gives attendees a more accurate idea of when their turn may be coming up.
    Meetings in Progress section with 3 meetings in progress
  • Once a meeting is in progress, the available actions are to End Meeting, and, if the meeting is BlueJeans or Zoom, Join Meeting.
  • Once a meeting is in progress, the host cannot be changed.
  • The assigned host of the meeting can Join Meeting as Host. Other hosts can Join Meeting as Guest.
  • End Meeting removes the meeting from Meetings in Progress. If the attendee wants to meet again, they must rejoin the queue at the end of the line.
  • End Meeting does NOT remove the BlueJeans or Zoom meeting from your BlueJeans or Zoom account. You can still see these meetings and any recordings you make if you access your BlueJeans or Zoom account outside of Remote Office Hours Queue.
  • If attendees have opted in for SMS notifications, they receive a notification when their meeting is moved to Meetings in Progress.
  1. Just in time meetings. Attendees cannot join BlueJeans or Zoom meetings until an assigned host creates the meeting by clicking Create Meeting. If an attendee has enabled SMS notifications, they will receive an SMS message when you create the meeting. (#148 #228 #233 #264 #274 #283 #295)
    Attendee view of a Zoom meeting in queue
  • Before the meeting is created, attendees will be informed that the meeting is not yet created, and to pay attention to the page so they can join once it is created.
    Attendee view of a Zoom meeting in progress
  • Once the meeting is in progress, attendees will see a prompt to join the meeting (if BlueJeans or Zoom) or go to to the in person meeting location (if In Person).
  1. Record the meetings you host. Record the meetings you host: The new just in time meeting feature allows individuals hosts to create meetings under their accounts in BlueJeans and or Zoom, where applicable, instead of under the account of the queue owner. This change permits each host to record their individual meetings if they choose to do so. Recordings from meetings in BlueJeans or Zoom can be found where recordings are stored for each videoconferencing platform (i.e. for Bluejeans, for Zoom Cloud Recordings, and on your device for Zoom Local Recordings).

  2. Zoom now available as an additional meeting platform option for hosts with regular U-M Zoom accounts. Meeting hosts with regular U-M Zoom accounts now have the option to conduct Remote Office Hours Queue meetings in Zoom in addition to BlueJeans or in person. Zoom for Health users (most faculty, staff, and students in Michigan Medicine/Medical School, Pharmacy, Dentistry, and Nursing) will need to continue using BlueJeans and/or in-person for the time being. (#9 #58 #241 #265 #275 #276 #280 #293 #294 )

  • To enable Zoom on your existing queue, navigate to your queue, click Settings, check Zoom next to Meeting Types, and Save.
  • All hosts of your queue MUST be members of regular U-M Zoom in order for Zoom to work for your queue. Any hosts who are members of Zoom for Health will not be able to use the queue if Zoom is enabled.
  • You will need to authorize Remote Office Hours Queue to connect to your Zoom account. Learn how.

Bug fixes and other user-facing changes

  1. My Meeting Queues ordering. Queues listed on your My Meetings Queues page are now ordered first so that open queues show before closed queues, then descending by how recently the queue was created (i.e. queues created more recently show before older queues). (#205)

  2. Join Meeting blurb removed for in person meetings. If the meeting is in person, attendees will no longer be shown information that says the host will join the meeting when it is their turn since this is irrelevant to in-person meetings. (#235)

Non-user-facing changes

#242 #255 #256 #263 #266 #282 #286