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Andrew Byrd edited this page Jul 3, 2013 · 144 revisions


Note: this wiki is targeted primarily at the OTP development community. For general information about the project, please visit

OpenTripPlanner (OTP) is an open source multi-modal trip planner, which runs on Linux, Windows, or potentially any platform with a Java virtual machine. OTP is released under the LGPL. As of Spring 2013, the code is under active development, with a variety of working demos from around the world.

Latest Project Updates:


OpenTripPlanner is presently at version 0.9. (see changelog)

The software currently:

  • Plans multi-modal walking, wheelchair, biking and transit trips
  • Takes travel time, road type/safety, and elevation data into account when planning bike trips, and provides an interface for customizing the weighting of these three factors
  • Shows graphical elevation profiles for bike trips
  • Imports data from GTFS, shapefiles, OpenStreetMap and the National Elevation Dataset
  • Plans trips in about 100ms in a moderate sized city
  • Exposes a RESTful API (XML and JSON), which other apps or front-ends can build on
  • Supports GTFS-Realtime for service changes and alerts
  • Supports Bike rental
  • Has experimental support for Raptor

See the Milestones page for more information on what's next.

See for performance characteristics in a larger metropolitan area with extensive transit coverage.

Basic OTP Architecture

At the core of OpenTripPlanner is a library of Java code that finds efficient paths through multi-modal transportation networks built from OpenStreetMap and GTFS data. Several different services are built upon this library:

The OTP Routing API is a RESTful web service that responds to journey planning requests with initineraries in a JSON or XML representation. You can combine this API with OTP's standard Javascript front end to provide users with trip planning functionality in a familiar map interface, or write your own applications that talk directly to the API. This API is provided by a Java servlet which can be dropped into any servlet container. In simpler terms, the OTP REST API is provided by a plug-in for standards-compliant Java web servers.

The OTP Transit Index API is another RESTful web service that provides information derived from the input GTFS feed(s). Examples include routes serving a particular stop, upcoming vehicles at a particular stop, upcoming stops on a given trip, etc.

The term "OTP Analyst" refers to parts of OTP that apply the routing engine to transportation network analysis rather than end-to-end trip planning. OTP Analyst includes:

The OTP Analyst Web Services provide network analysis results such as travel time maps and isochrones as standard web Mercator tiles or GIS rasters via a WMS-derived API. These web services are conceptually separate from the routing API, but are provided by the same servlet: once you have a working OTP trip planner you can also use it to produce travel time maps and other visualizations of transit service. See this blog post for discussion and examples.

The OTP Analyst Batch Processor is a command-line tool that handles more complex one-off network analysis tasks. It uses the same core routing library and data sources as other OTP services, but allows for very open-ended configuration and the inclusion of population or opportunity data. While configuration and use are currently somewhat opaque for non-developers, the "Batch Analyst" is becoming a powerful tool for visualizing how transportation networks affect access to urban opportunities. See this article for an example case study on the effects of hurricane Sandy in New York.

OTP Test Drive

Users and developers who want to try out OTP without manually building the project or installing a servlet container on their machine may use the following self-contained packages. These zip files combine a pre-built copy of OTP with a lightweight servlet container called Winstone.

Note 1: These files are currently very large (over 200MB). We plan to modify the build to reduce their size.

Note 2: In a production trip planning system, OTP is typically deployed as a plugin ("servlet") in a full-featured server like Tomcat (see architecture notes). Developers and more advanced users may want to simply build OTP from source and deploy the resulting WAR files to such a server.

The following tutorials will guide you through some experiments with the above pre-built zip files:

Code Repository

To browse the source online visit

To create a local copy of the repository, use the following command:

$ git clone git://

Build Status

Stand-alone mode

As of June 2013 we have begun implementing a stand-alone mode that will allow you to run OTP without a servlet container (and without Spring for that matter). It currently does work, but is barely configurable (it will always use the default search algorithm etc.) That might be all you need. This work is not yet complete but if you are interested in trying it out, try:

git clone
cd OpenTripPlanner
mvn clean package 
java -jar otp-standalone/target/otp.jar 

By default this will look for graphs in /var/otp/graphs and bind to port 8080. The REST API is available at /opentripplanner-api-webapp/ws/ or /opentripplanner-api-webapp/, and / serves up static content (the client javascript). Once the server starts up, try some REST API URLs to verify that it's working:

  • http://localhost:8080/opentripplanner-api-webapp/ws/metadata
  • http://localhost:8080/opentripplanner-api-webapp/ws/routers

You could also do:

java -jar otp-standalone/target/otp.jar -p 9090 -r mexico

in order to run on port 9090 and use routerId 'mexico'. You can also specify the base directory for graphs with -g. As we continue to work on standalone mode, it should continue to function in the same way but just be enriched with more command line options.

Developer Information

Contact Info

Send questions and comments to the user mailing list.

Discuss internal developement details on the dev mailing list.

Chat with us via IRC on Freenode channel #opentripplanner or chat through the web

File bug reports via the Github issue tracker. Note that the issue tracker is not intended for support questions or discussions. Please post them to one of the mailing lists instead.

Stakeholders and User Information


The project began a collaborative effort among TriMet, OpenPlans, and the developers of FivePoints, OneBusAway and Graphserver, and has since grown to encompass a global community of users and developers. More information on OTP's origins is available at the Project History page.

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