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2012.04.26 Weekly check In
demory edited this page May 3, 2012
1 revision
- 13:32 <demory> hello everyone
- 13:32 <novalis_dt> Hi!
- 13:33 <demory> let's go ahead and start the check-in, looks like we have a good crowd today
- 13:33 <demory> my update: mainly working on a major addition to OTPSetup that will allow sharing AWS instances between multiple OTP deployments (using the multiple graph support) and accompanying admin interface.
- 13:33 <demory> also working on some debugging/optimization of the NYC demo which now points to
- 13:34 <demory> that's it for me!
- 13:34 <novalis_dt> I did some more patches to area routing, merged Laurent's bike sharing patch, and added support for dynamic bike sharing info. And, as usual, misc fixes.
- 13:34 <novalis_dt> The new OBA-GTFS is available, so I updated us to that
- 13:34 <novalis_dt> This should kill our DST error
- 13:34 <abyrd> 0.6 is tagged and deployed, though with the OBA GTFS reader release and bike rental capabilities, I plan a 0.7 within a few days.
- 13:34 <abyrd> Other tha that, working on "label-constrained paths" and stop time updates.
- 13:34 <abyrd> Evan is doing a final backup of the OpenPlans-hosted ci server, so that should be up and running within a few days.
- 13:35 <demory> great
- 13:35 -!- FrankX [1815504e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #opentripplanner
- 13:36 <demory> abyrd did you update Deployer w/ the 0.6 wars?
- 13:36 <demory> if not I'll go ahead and do it
- 13:37 <abyrd> demory, no, I just deployed to the maven repo. Had to resolve some dropped connection problems so I just finished today.
- 13:38 <novalis_dt> By the way, Laurent randomly got us like a 10-15% speed increase with a 5-line patch. Look for it in 0.7, I think.
- 13:38 <demory> abyrd, sure. i'll do that today, i'm working on deployer stuff anyway
- 13:39 <abyrd> demory, great, thanks
- 13:39 <kpw> wow! 10% is big...
- 13:40 <novalis_dt> Yeah. At some point, one of us put a field in the wrong place, causing a ton of unnecessary copying.
- 13:42 <demory> btw Matt offered the following check in earlier: <mattwigway> I won't be present for the meeting, but my checkin is just that I'm getting ready to present at the California Geographical Society this weekend; the full poster will be on this Saturday, for those who haven't seen it yet.
- 13:42 <demory> TriMet folks anything on your end?
- 13:43 <novalis_dt> Oh, I also wrote up my work on area routing for the OpenPlans blog but it has not yet been published (I just finished it last night).
- 13:43 <FrankX> nothing here...better weather earlier this week has kinda left us...
- 13:44 <demory> novalis_dt, great. perhaps we can cross-post that on the new otp blog once it's live
- 13:44 <mele> yeah nothing new with us really
- 13:44 <demory> (deployer work is my priority right now but plan to return to that shortly)
- 13:46 <novalis_dt> I'm going to merge more Laurent patches and then spend some time contemplating another project. I'll also of course keep on top of the mailing list.
- 13:46 <novalis_dt> BTW, FrankP, I realized why a traditional bike share layer won't work: we have near-realtime bikeshare availability data, so we want something more dynamic
- 13:48 <FrankX> novalis_dt ... right, understood. Same problem with Car2Go for Car Share, since those don't have fixed spots.
- 13:48 <novalis_dt> Yeah, and we can use nearly-identical code to handle the car2go thing
- 13:49 <demory> oh, abyrd -- you mentioned last week you were making changes to multi-graph support... what's the status there? is that in 0.6?
- 13:49 <abyrd> demory, no, it
- 13:49 <FrankX> novalis_dt, would really like to have some GTFS like effort for these ... not sure what Zipcar thinks (and whether they would ever partner with Car2Go...or Bixi would partner with their competitors on a standard, but a few are needed)
- 13:50 <novalis_dt> We're certainly contemplating that
- 13:50 <abyrd> it's in my sptservice branch which should be merged in for 0.7
- 13:50 <novalis_dt> The good news is that the specifications for bike share, at least, are very simple
- 13:50 <novalis_dt> Except for Velib, which is broken-ass shitware (pardon my French)
- 13:50 <demory> abyrd, ok thanks. just want to make sure i stay on top of that since this deployer work relies heavily on that feature
- 13:50 <novalis_dt> So writing adapters is trivial.
- 13:53 <kpw> a plug for posting this stuff (existing examples and proposals) here:
- 13:53 <novalis_dt> I just did that.
- 13:54 <kpw> oh great!
- 13:54 <FrankX> Does anyone know ... are OSM way id's GUIDs? Is there a length limit?
- 13:54 <novalis_dt> They are not GUIDs; they are assigned sequentially
- 13:54 <kpw> frank, if you want to cover the zip car stuff it could be really useful
- 13:54 <novalis_dt> But that could well be > 2^32
- 13:54 <novalis_dt> (And I was in the middle of writing an email to you, kpw, about that standardization)
- 13:55 <mele> Frank I do know they're about to run out of 32 bit #s and they have to find a new solution
- 13:55 <FrankX> mele, year 2012 problem :-)
- 13:56 <mele> heh yeah
- 13:57 <FrankX> kpw, I might pass on the Zipcar thing, since I'm just screen-scraping, and I'm not sure they want others to do that (they did give me permission, though)...they're working on an API, AFAIK
- 14:01 <demory> ok, anything else for today?
- 14:01 <novalis_dt> nope
- 14:02 <novalis_dt> totally off topic, but have any of you Portland people ever dealt with DorkbotPDX? I'm thinking of having them print a circuit board for me.
- 14:03 <mele> nope, sorry
- 14:04 <FrankX> nope...whatcha building?
- 14:04 <novalis_dt> An invisible maze.