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Martin Asser Hansen edited this page Oct 2, 2015 · 5 revisions

Biopiece: list_genomes


Genomes are formatted with format_genome.


list_genomes [options]


[-? | --help]     #  Print full usage description.
[-v | --verbose]  #  Verbose output.


To list available genomes and genome indexes of various types use list_genomes:


Genome  blast   blat    fasta   phastcons       vmatch
ara1    yes     yes     yes     no      yes
ce4     yes     no      yes     no      yes
danRer5 yes     no      yes     no      no
dm2     no      no      yes     no      no
dm3     yes     no      yes     yes     yes
dp4     no      no      yes     no      no
droAna3 no      no      yes     no      no
droEre2 no      no      yes     no      no
droGri2 no      no      yes     no      no
droMoj3 no      no      yes     no      no
droPer1 no      no      yes     no      no
droSec1 no      no      yes     no      no
droSim1 no      no      yes     no      no
droVir3 no      no      yes     no      no
droWil1 no      no      yes     no      no
droYak2 no      no      yes     no      no
galGal3 yes     no      yes     no      yes
hg18    yes     no      yes     yes     yes
mm8     no      no      yes     no      no
mm9     yes     no      yes     no      yes
sacCer1 yes     no      yes     no      yes
sacPom1 yes     no      yes     no      yes
tetNig1 no      no      yes     no      no

This information is based on the existence of relevant directories found in the BP_DATA directory tree:

  +-- genomes/
      +-- ara1/
      |   +-- blast/
      |   +-- blat/
      |   +-- fasta/
      |   +-- vmatch/
      +-- ce4/
      |   +-- blast/
      |   +-- fasta/
      |   +-- vmatch/
      +-- danRer5/
      |   +-- blast/
      |   +-- fasta/
      +-- dm2/
      |   +-- fasta/
      +-- dm3/
      |   +-- blast/
      |   +-- fasta/
      |   +-- phastcons/
      |   +-- vmatch/
      +-- dp4/
      |   +-- fasta/
      +-- droAna3/
      |   +-- fasta/
      +-- droEre2/
      |   +-- fasta/
      +-- droGri2/
      |   +-- fasta/
      +-- droMoj3/
      |   +-- fasta/
      +-- droPer1/
      |   +-- fasta/
      +-- droSec1/
      |   +-- fasta/
      +-- droSim1/
      |   +-- fasta/
      +-- droVir3/
      |   +-- fasta/
      +-- droWil1/
      |   +-- fasta/
      +-- droYak2/
      |   +-- fasta/
      +-- galGal3/
      |   +-- blast/
      |   +-- fasta/
      |   +-- vmatch/
      +-- hg18/
      |   +-- blast/
      |   +-- fasta/
      |   +-- phastcons/
      |   +-- vmatch/
      +-- mm8/
      |   +-- fasta/
      +-- mm9/
      |   +-- blast/
      |   +-- fasta/
      |   +-- vmatch/
      +-- sacCer1/
      |   +-- blast/
      |   +-- fasta/
      |   +-- vmatch/
      +-- sacPom1/
      |   +-- blast/
      |   +-- fasta/
      |   +-- vmatch/
      +-- tetNig1/
          +-- fasta/

See also



Martin Asser Hansen - Copyright (C) - All rights reserved.

[email protected]

August 2007


GNU General Public License version 2


list_genomes is part of the Biopieces framework.

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