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Lua Script API: Custom Sprite ‐ FlxAnimate

Meme1079 edited this page Dec 25, 2024 · 1 revision

FlxAnimate Functions

makeFlxAnimateSprite(tag:String, ?x:Float = 0, ?y:Float = 0, ?loadFolder:String = null):Void

Initializes a new FlxAnimate sprite; Will not be added yet, this can only be achieved with the addLuaSprite() function.

  • tag - The tag name of the sprite to be referenced later.
  • x - An optional parameter, The x axis of the sprite; Default value: 0.
  • y - An optional parameter, The y axis of the sprite; Default value: 0.
  • loadFolder - An optional parameter, The folder to load the spritemap and animation jsons and png from; Default value: nil.

FlxAnimate Animation Functions

loadAnimateAtlas(tag:String, folderOrImg:Dynamic, ?spriteJson:Dynamic = null, ?animationJson:Dynamic = null):Void

Loads a new Texture Atlas sprite map on an existing FlxAnimate sprite.


Both spriteJson and animationJson parameters, it's recommended to leave this nil if you are gonna use folderOrImg since it already searches for the spritemap and animation jsons, unless the json is in like a different path or something maybe.


Both spriteJson and animationJson parameters starts outside the mods folder, meaning it needs the full path. It also needs the json file; Example: mods/images/spritemap1.json.

  • tag - The existing tag name of the sprite to use.
  • folderOrImg - The folder path or image path to load the spritemap and Animation jsons and png from.
  • spriteJson - An optional parameter, The spritemap json path to use; Default value: nil.
  • animationJson - An optional parameter, The Animation json path to use; Default value: nil.

addAnimationBySymbol(tag:String, name:String, symbol:String, ?framerate:Float = 24, ?loop:Bool = false, ?matX:Float = 0, ?matY:Float = 0):Bool

Adds a new animation from the Animation.json file for the sprite to play.

  • tag - The existing tag name of the sprite to use.
  • name - The name to give to the animation.
  • symbol - The symbol name inside the Animation.json file to use.
  • framerate - An optional parameter, The amount of frames per second that the animation should play at; Default value: 24.
  • loop - An optional parameter, Whether the animation should be looped; Default value: false.
  • matX - An optional parameter, The x axis of the animation; Default value: 0.
  • matY - An optional parameter, The y axis of the animation; Default value: 0.

addAnimationBySymbolIndices(tag:String, name:String, symbol:String, ?indices:Any = null, ?framerate:Float = 24, ?loop:Bool = false, ?matX:Float = 0, ?matY:Float = 0):Bool

Adds a new animation with the specified frames from the animation for the sprite to play.

  • tag - The existing tag name of the sprite to use.
  • name - The name to give to the animation.
  • symbol - The symbol name inside the Animation.json file to use.
  • indices - An optional parameter, The frames from the animation that it should play in what order. Can be a table {1, 2, 3} or a string '1, 2, 3'; Default value: nil.
  • framerate - An optional parameter, The amount of frames per second that the animation should play at; Default value: 24.
  • loop - An optional parameter, Whether the animation should be looped; Default value: false.
  • matX - An optional parameter, The x axis of the animation; Default value: 0.
  • matY - An optional parameter, The y axis of the animation; Default value: 0.
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