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Lua Script API: Object Functions

Meme1079 edited this page Dec 25, 2024 · 27 revisions

Object Ordering Functions

setObjectOrder(object:String, order:Int, ?group:String = null):Void

Sets the given object's order position with a new order position value within the game or group.

  • object - The given object name tag to set a new order position value to.
  • order - The new order position set to.
  • group - An optional parameter, the group instance variable to be reordering objects.


In this example, we've created both graphic sprites with different colors. The graphic sprite myAwesomeSprite1 has been set to order position $7$. This will make myAwesomeSprite2 to be shove down to the order position. Thus causing the first graphic sprite to be in front.

makeLuaSprite('myAwesomeSprite1', nil, 0, 0)
makeGraphic('myAwesomeSprite1', 100, 100, 'ff0000')
setProperty('', instanceArg('camHUD'), false, true)
setObjectOrder('myAwesomeSprite1', 7)
makeLuaSprite('myAwesomeSprite2', nil, 0, 50)
makeGraphic('myAwesomeSprite2', 100, 100, '00ff00')
setProperty('', instanceArg('camHUD'), false, true)

getObjectOrder(object:String, ?group:String = null):Int

Gets the given object's current order position value within the game or group.

  • object - The given object name tag to get its current order position value from.
  • group - An optional parameter, the group instance variable to be getting the object's current order position.


This example is the same as last before, but sets the order position of the myAwesomeSprite1 to the current order position of myAwesomeSprite2. Then adding $1$ for good measure.

makeLuaSprite('myAwesomeSprite1', nil, 0, 0)
makeGraphic('myAwesomeSprite1', 100, 100, 'ff0000')
setProperty('', instanceArg('camHUD'), false, true)
setObjectOrder('myAwesomeSprite1', getObjectOrder('myAwesomeSprite2') + 1)
makeLuaSprite('myAwesomeSprite2', nil, 0, 50)
makeGraphic('myAwesomeSprite2', 100, 100, '00ff00')
setProperty('', instanceArg('camHUD'), false, true)

objectsOverlap(object1:String, object2:String):Bool

Checks whether two given objects are overlapping to each other or not.

  • object1 - The first given object name tag to overlap with.
  • object2 - The second given object name tag to overlap with.


Checks whether both of these graphic sprites are overlapping to each other, if overlapped. The myAwesomeSprite2 will be moved until, they are not overlapped to each other.

makeLuaSprite('myAwesomeSprite1', nil, 0, 0)
makeGraphic('myAwesomeSprite1', 100, 100, 'ff0000')
setProperty('', instanceArg('camHUD'), false, true)
makeLuaSprite('myAwesomeSprite2', nil, 0, 50)
makeGraphic('myAwesomeSprite2', 100, 100, '00ff00')
setProperty('', instanceArg('camHUD'), false, true)

function onUpdate(elapsed)
     if objectsOverlap('myAwesomeSprite1', 'myAwesomeSprite2') == true then
          setProperty('myAwesomeSprite2.y', getProperty('myAwesomeSprite2.y') + 1)

Scale Functions

setGraphicSize(object:String, x:Float, y:Float = 0, updateHitbox:Bool = true):Void

Sets the given object's graphic dimension in pixels by using scale.

  • object - The given object name tag to set its graphic dimension.
  • x - The new width dimension value to set to.
  • y - An optional parameter, the new height dimension value to set to; Default value: 0.
  • updateHitbox - An optional parameter, Whether it will update the object's dimension and offsets; Default value: true.


Changes the current sprite's graphic dimension to $2$, making it way to small.

makeLuaSprite('myAwesomeSprite', nil, 0, 0)
makeGraphic('myAwesomeSprite', 100, 100, '9003fc')
setProperty('', instanceArg('camHUD'), false, true)
setGraphicSize('myAwesomeSprite', 2, 2)

scaleObject(object:String, x:Float, y:Float, updateHitbox:Bool = true):Void

Sets the given object's graphic by size property. If below 1, zoom-out; if above 1, zoom-in.

  • object - The given object name tag to set its graphic size.
  • x - The new width size value to set to.
  • y - An optional parameter, The new height size value to set to; Default value: 0.
  • updateHitbox - An optional parameter, Whether it will update the object's dimension and offsets; Default value: true.


Changes the current sprite's graphic size to $2$, making it way to big.

makeLuaSprite('myAwesomeSprite', nil, 0, 0)
makeGraphic('myAwesomeSprite', 100, 100, '9003fc')
setProperty('', instanceArg('camHUD'), false, true)
scaleObject('myAwesomeSprite', 2, 2)


Whether it will update the object's width and height dimension and offsets. Must be used for changing the object's graphic size.

  • object - The given object name tag to update the dimension and offsets.

Precaching Functions

addCharacterToList(json:String, characterType:String):Void

Adds the given character to prechache for optimization purposes. This is a must for changing characters mid-game to prevent lag spikes, especially the "Change Character" event.

  • json - The given character's JSON file to load and prechache; starts within the characters folder directory.
  • characterType - The specified character type to set precache; Can be either: boyfriend, dad, or gf.


Prechaches the given boyfriend character.

addCharacterToList('bf-car', 'boyfriend')

precacheImage(sprite:String, ?allowGPU:Bool = true):Void

Precaches the object's image graphic.

  • sprite - The given object's image sprite graphic to precache; starts within the images folder directory.
  • allowGPU - An optional parameter, whether to enabled GPU caching or not; Default value: true.


Precaches the sound.

  • sound - The given sound to precache; starts within the sounds folder directory.


Precaches the music.

  • music - The given music to precache; starts within the music folder directory.

Midpoint Functions


Gets the given object's sprite graphic midpoint by x-position value within the world coordinates.

  • object - The given object sprite name tag to get its current graphic midpoint.


Gets the given object's sprite graphic midpoint by y-position value within the world coordinates.

  • object - The given object sprite name tag to get its current midpoint.


Gets the given object's midpoint by x-position value within the world coordinates.

  • object - The given object name tag to get its current midpoint.


Gets the given object's midpoint by y-position value within the world coordinates.

  • object - The given object name tag to get its current midpoint.

Screen Positioning Functions

screenCenter(object:String, pos:String = 'xy')

Centers the given object's on the screen, centering can be either by the x-axis, y-axis, or both.


When an object has been centered to the screen, it makes it impossible to set a new position value to it. Depending on what axis you'd use

  • object - The given object name tag to center it on the screen.
  • pos - An optional parameter, the specified screen position to set in; Can be either: x, y or xy; Default value: xy.


Centers the given graphic sprite by x-axis, but changes the y-position of the sprite.

makeLuaSprite('myAwesomeSprite', nil, 0, 0)
makeGraphic('myAwesomeSprite', 100, 100, '9003fc')
setProperty('', instanceArg('camHUD'), false, true)
screenCenter('myAwesomeSprite', 'x')

setProperty('myAwesomeSprite', 100)

getScreenPositionX(object:String, ?camera:String = 'camGame'):Float

Gets the given object's current screen x-position value.

  • object - The given object name tag to get its current screen position.
  • camera - An optional parameter, the specified camera state to apply to; Can be either: camGame, camHUD or camOther;
    Default value: camGame.

getScreenPositionY(object:String, ?camera:String):Float

Gets the given object's current screen y-position value.

  • object - The given object name tag to get its current screen position.
  • camera - An optional parameter, the specified camera state to apply to; Can be either: camGame, camHUD or camOther;
    Default value: camGame.

Miscellaneous Functions

setScrollFactor(object:String, scrollX:Float, scrollY:Float):Void

Sets the given object's scroll factor value.

  • object - The given object name tag to set a new scroll factor value to.
  • scrollX - The amount of scroll factor by x value to set to.
  • scrollY - The amount of scroll factor by y value to set to.


Makes the graphic sprite scroll faster when switching camera positions.

makeLuaSprite('myAwesomeSprite', nil, 0, 400)
makeGraphic('myAwesomeSprite', 100, 100, '9003fc')
setScrollFactor('myAwesomeSprite', 2, 2)

setBlendMode(object:String, blend:String = ''):Bool

Sets the given object blend mode to apply to

  • object - The given object name tag to set a new blend mode to.
  • blend - An optional parameter, the specified blend mode to apply to.


Makes the graphic sprite blend mode to invert.

makeLuaSprite('myAwesomeSprite', nil, 0, 50)
makeGraphic('myAwesomeSprite', 100, 100, '00ff00')
setProperty('', instanceArg('camHUD'), false, true) -- changes camera state
setBlendMode('myAwesomeSprite', 'INVERT')

setObjectCamera(object:String, camera:String = 'game'):Bool

Sets the given object's camera state to apply to.


Due to version 1.0, this function is completely broken, a workaround for this, is use this:

setProperty('', instanceArg('camera'), false, true)
  • object - The given object name tag to set a new camera state to.
  • camera - An optional parameter, the specified camera state to apply to; Can be either: camGame, camHUD or camOther;
    Default value: camGame.


Changes the graphic sprite's camera state.

makeLuaSprite('myAwesomeSprite', nil, 0, 50)
makeGraphic('myAwesomeSprite', 100, 100, '00ff00')
setProperty('', instanceArg('camHUD'), false, true) -- changes camera state
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