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Lua Script API: Variables

Meme1079 edited this page Dec 25, 2024 · 48 revisions



Variables Description Type
curStage The current stage within the song. String
hasVocals Whether the song has vocals enabled to be played or not. Boolean
scrollSpeed The starting scroll speed of the song. Float
bpm The starting BPM (Beats Per Minute) of the song. Float
curBpm The current BPM (Beats Per Minute) of the song. May change from different parts of the song. Float
crochet The amount of time intervals between beats in a section. Float
stepChrochet The amount of time intervals between steps in a section. Float
All Shortcut to:

Variables Shortcut
curStage getPropertyFromClass('states.PlayState', 'curStage')
hasVocals getPropertyFromClass('states.PlayState', 'SONG.needsVoices')
scrollSpeed getPropertyFromClass('states.PlayState', 'SONG.speed')
bpm getPropertyFromClass('states.PlayState', 'SONG.bpm')
curBpm getPropertyFromClass('backend.Conductor', 'bpm')
crochet getPropertyFromClass('backend.Conductor', 'crochet')
stepChrochet getPropertyFromClass('backend.Conductor', 'stepCrochet')
All Shortcut to (Deprecated; Pre-Source Code Overhual):

Variables Shortcut
curStage getPropertyFromClass('PlayState', 'curStage')
hasVocals getPropertyFromClass('PlayState', 'SONG.needsVoices')
scrollSpeed getPropertyFromClass('PlayState', 'SONG.speed')
bpm getPropertyFromClass('PlayState', 'SONG.bpm')
curBpm getPropertyFromClass('Conductor', 'bpm')
crochet getPropertyFromClass('Conductor', 'crochet')
stepChrochet getPropertyFromClass('Conductor', 'stepCrochet')


Variables Description Type
week The stage's week name. String
weekRaw The stage's week ID number, based on the order of the weeks. String
songName The stage's song name. String
songPath The stage's song path folder. String
songLength The stage's song length in milliseconds. String
loadedSongName The freeplay name of the song. String
loadedSongPath The freeplay path folder of the song. String
difficulty The stage's difficulty ID number, based on the order of its difficulties. String
difficultyName The stage's difficulty name, always in english. String
difficultyNameTranslation The stage's translated difficulty name, based on its current language set to. String
difficultyPath The stage's difficulty path folder. String
All Shortcut to:

Variables Shortcut
week getPropertyFromClass('backend.WeekData', 'weeksList', true)[weekRaw]
weekRaw getPropertyFromClass('states.PlayState', 'storyWeek')
songName getPropertyFromClass('states.PlayState', '')
songPath callMethodFromClass('backend.Paths', 'formatToSongPath', {songName})
songLength getPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', '')
loadedSongName getPropertyFromClass('backend.Song', 'loadedSongName')
loadedSongPath callMethodFromClass('backend.Paths', 'formatToSongPath', {loadedSongPath})
difficulty getPropertyFromClass('states.PlayState', 'storyDifficulty')
difficultyName callMethodFromClass('backend.Difficulty', 'getString', {difficulty, false})
difficultyNameTranslation callMethodFromClass('backend.Difficulty', 'getString', {difficulty, true})
difficultyPath callMethodFromClass('backend.Paths', 'formatToSongPath', {difficultyName})
All Shortcut to (Deprecated; Pre-Source Code Overhual):

Variables Shortcut
week getPropertyFromClass('WeekData', 'weeksList['..weekRaw..']')
weekRaw getPropertyFromClass('PlayState', 'storyWeek')
songName getPropertyFromClass('PlayState', '')
songPath runHaxeCode('Paths.formatToSongPath('..songName..');')
songLength getPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', '')
loadedSongName Not Available; Only at 1.0 Pre-Release version.
loadedSongPath Not Available; Only at 1.0 Pre-Release version.
difficulty getPropertyFromClass('PlayState', 'storyDifficulty')
difficultyName getPropertyFromClass('CoolUtil', 'difficulties['..difficulty..']')
difficultyNameTranslation Not Available; Only at 1.0 Pre-Release version.
difficultyPath runHaxeCode('Paths.formatToSongPath(Difficulty.getString());')


Variables Description Type
startedCountdown Whether the countdown has been started or not. Boolean
seenCutscene Whether the cutscene has been already seen or not. This will set to true, if the song
has been restarted or you've died (skill issue). Useful for not seeing the cutscene
multiple times.
isStoryMode Whether is it in story mode or not. Boolean
inGameOver Whether the player died from skill issue or not. Boolean
All Shortcut to:

Variables Shortcut
startedCountdown getProperty('startedCountdown')
seenCutscene getPropertyFromClass('states.PlayState', 'seenCutscene')
isStoryMode getPropertyFromClass('states.PlayState', 'isStoryMode')
inGameOver None
All Shortcut to (Deprecated; Pre-Source Code Overhual):

Variables Shortcut
startedCountdown No Changes
seenCutscene getPropertyFromClass('PlayState', 'seenCutscene')
isStoryMode getPropertyFromClass('PlayState', 'isStoryMode')
inGameOver None



Variables Description Type
curStep The current steps per-chart section; recommended to use in onStepHit() event callback. Int
curBeat The current beats per-chart section; recommended to use in onBeatHit() event callback. Int
curSection The current sections per-chart section; recommended to use in onSectionHit() event callback. Int
curDecStep The current steps in decimals (floating-point) per-char section; recommended to use
in onStepHit() event callback.
curDecBeat The current beats in decimals (floating-point) per-char section; recommended to use
in onBeatHit() event callback.
mustHitSection Whether the section is intended for the player or opponent, from the chart editor. Boolean
altAnim Whether the section is intended for to play alternate animation characters, from the chart editor. Boolean
gfSection Whether the section is intended for the girlfriend, from the chart editor. Boolean
All Shortcut to:

Variables Shortcut
curStep getProperty('curStep')
curBeat getProperty('curBeat')
curSection getProperty('curSection')
curDecStep getProperty('curDecStep')
curDecBeat getProperty('curDecBeat')
mustHitSection getPropertyFromClass('states.PlayState', 'SONG.notes', true)[curSection]['mustHitSection']
altAnim getPropertyFromClass('states.PlayState', 'SONG.notes', true)[curSection]['altAnim']
gfSection getPropertyFromClass('states.PlayState', 'SONG.notes', true)[curSection]['gfSection']
All Shortcut to (Deprecated; Pre-Source Code Overhual):

Variables Shortcut
curStep No Changes
curBeat No Changes
curSection No Changes
curDecStep No Changes
curDecBeat No Changes
mustHitSection getPropertyFromClass('PlayState', 'SONG.notes['..curSection..'].mustHitSection')
altAnim getPropertyFromClass('PlayState', 'SONG.notes['..curSection..'].gfSection')
gfSection getPropertyFromClass('PlayState', 'SONG.notes['..curSection..'].altAnim')


Variables Description Type
score The current score you've gained when playing. Int
misses The current misses you've gained when playing. Int
combo The current combo you've gained when playing. Int
hits The current note hits you've gained when playing. Int
rating The current rating accuracy percent; Goes from 0 to 1. Int
ratingName The current rating name. String
ratingFC The current rating combo name. String
All Shortcut to:

Variables Shortcut
score getProperty('songScore')
misses getProperty('songMisses')
combo getProperty('combo')
hits getProperty('songHits')
rating getProperty('ratingPercent')
ratingName getProperty('ratingName')
ratingFC getProperty('ratingFC')

Option Settings

Variables Description Type
healthGainMult The amount of health gain multiplier when hittin notes. Float
healthLossMult The amount of health loss multiplier when missing notes. Float
playbackRate The amount playback rate (speed) when playing a song. Float
instakillOnMiss Whether missing a note grants a insta-kill or not. Boolean
botPlay Whether botplay will be enabled in gameplay or not. Boolean
practice Whether practice mode will be enabled in gameplay or not. (Holy fuck, Geometry Dash reference) Boolean
All Shortcut to:

Variables Shortcut
healthGainMult getProperty('healthGain')
healthLossMult getProperty('healthLoss')
playbackRate getProperty('playbackRate')
instakillOnMiss getProperty('instakillOnMiss')
botPlay getProperty('cpuControlled')
practice getProperty('practiceMode')

Client Preferences

Variables Description Type
downscroll Whether if downscroll is enabled in gameplay or not. Boolean
middlescroll Whether if middlescroll is enabled in gameplay or not. Boolean
ghostTapping Whether if ghost tapping is enabled in gameplay or not. Boolean
hideHud Whether if the HUD elements are hidden in gameplay or not. Boolean
scoreZoom Whether the score will zoom when hitting notes or not. Boolean
cameraZoomOnBeat Whether the camera will zoom on each beat of the song. Boolean
guitarHeroSustains Whether the sustain notes (long notes) can be pressed again when missed. Boolean
noResetButton Whether the reset button is enabled or not. Boolean
flashingLights Whether flashing lights are enabled or not. This is recommended to use when flashing
lights are present on the song. To prevent seizures who are suffering from
Photosensitive epilepsy.
lowQuality Whether low quality is enabled or not. This is recommended to use for objects that
might cause lag on lower-end devices.
shadersEnabled Whether shaders being displayed is enabled or not. This is recommended for preventing
lag on lower-end devices and prevent simulation sickness.
timeBarType The current time bar text display format. String
noteOffset The current note offset when hitting notes, displayed in milliseconds; Goes from 0 to 500. Float
healthBarAlpha The current alpha/opacity of the health bar, useful if you're having trouble on seeing
incoming notes.
framerate The current frame rate for the game to display on screen. Recommended to capped at a certain value to match your computer's frame rate. Int
noteSkin The current selected note skin name you've selected. String
noteSkinPostfix The current selected note skin suffix name you've selected. String
splashSkin The current selected splash skin name you've selected. String
splashSkinPostfix The current selected splash skin suffix name you've selected. String
splashAlpha The current alpha/opacity of the splash skin. Float
All Shortcut to:

Variables Shortcut
downscroll getPropertyFromClass('backend.ClientPrefs', 'data.downScroll')
middlescroll getPropertyFromClass('backend.ClientPrefs', 'data.middleScroll')
ghostTapping getPropertyFromClass('backend.ClientPrefs', 'data.ghostTapping')
hideHud getPropertyFromClass('backend.ClientPrefs', 'data.hideHud')
scoreZoom getPropertyFromClass('backend.ClientPrefs', 'data.scoreZoom')
cameraZoomOnBeat getPropertyFromClass('backend.ClientPrefs', 'data.camZooms')
guitarHeroSustains getProperty('guitarHeroSustains')
noResetButton getPropertyFromClass('backend.ClientPrefs', 'data.noReset')
flashingLights getPropertyFromClass('backend.ClientPrefs', 'data.flashing')
lowQuality getPropertyFromClass('backend.ClientPrefs', 'data.lowQuality')
shadersEnabled getPropertyFromClass('backend.ClientPrefs', 'data.shaders')
timeBarType getPropertyFromClass('backend.ClientPrefs', 'data.timeBarType')
noteOffset getPropertyFromClass('backend.ClientPrefs', 'data.noteOffset')
healthBarAlpha getPropertyFromClass('backend.ClientPrefs', 'data.healthBarAlpha')
framerate getPropertyFromClass('backend.ClientPrefs', 'data.framerate')
noteSkin getPropertyFromClass('backend.ClientPrefs', 'data.noteSkin')
noteSkinPostfix callMethodFromClass('objects.Note', 'getNoteSkinPostfix', {''})
splashSkin getPropertyFromClass('backend.ClientPrefs', 'data.splashSkin')
splashSkinPostfix callMethodFromClass('objects.NoteSplash', 'getSplashSkinPostfix', {''})
splashAlpha getPropertyFromClass('backend.ClientPrefs', 'data.splashAlpha')
All Shortcut to (Deprecated; Pre-Source Code Overhual):

Variables Shortcut
downscroll getPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'downScroll')
middlescroll getPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'middleScroll')
ghostTapping getPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'ghostTapping')
hideHud getPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'hideHud')
scoreZoom getPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'scoreZoom')
cameraZoomOnBeat getPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'camZooms')
guitarHeroSustains No Changes
noResetButton getPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'noReset')
flashingLights getPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'flashing')
lowQuality getPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'lowQuality')
shadersEnabled getPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'shaders')
timeBarType getPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'timeBarType')
noteOffset getPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'noteOffset')
healthBarAlpha getPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'healthBarAlpha')
framerate getPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'framerate')
noteSkin getPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'noteSkin')
noteSkinPostfix Not Available; Only at 0.7.0 Release version.
splashSkin getPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'splashSkin')
splashSkinPostfix Not Available; Only at 0.7.0 Release version.
splashAlpha getPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'splashAlpha')



Variables Description Type
boyfriendName The current boyfriend (player) character name. String
dadName The current dad (opponent) character name. String
gfName The current girlfriend (supporting) character name. String
All Shortcut to:

Variables Shortcut
boyfriendName getProperty('boyfriend.curCharacter')
dadName getProperty('dad.curCharacter')
gfName getProperty('gf.curCharacter')


Variables Description Type
defaultBoyfriendX The default boyfriend (player) character x-position of the stage. Float
defaultBoyfriendY The default boyfriend (player) character y-position of the stage. Float
defaultOpponentX The default dad (opponent) character x-position of the stage. Float
defaultOpponentY The default dad (opponent) character y-position of the stage. Float
defaultGirlfriendX The default girlfriend (supporting) character x-position of the stage. Float
defaultGirlfriendY The default girlfriend (supporting) character x-position of the stage. Float
All Shortcut to:

Variables Shortcut
defaultBoyfriendX getProperty('BF_X')
defaultBoyfriendY getProperty('BF_Y')
defaultOpponentX getProperty('DAD_X')
defaultOpponentY getProperty('DAD_Y')
defaultGirlfriendX getProperty('GF_X')
defaultGirlfriendY getProperty('GF_Y')

Strum Receptor

Player Strums

Variables Description Type Default Value
defaultPlayerStrumX0 The default x-position of the player's left strum arrow. Float 732
defaultPlayerStrumX1 The default x-position of the player's down strum arrow. Float 844
defaultPlayerStrumX2 The default x-position of the player's up strum arrow. Float 956
defaultPlayerStrumX3 The default x-position of the player's right strum arrow. Float 1068
defaultPlayerStrumY0 The default y-position of the player's left strum arrow. Float Upscroll: 50 DownScroll: 570
defaultPlayerStrumY1 The default y-position of the player's down strum arrow. Float Upscroll: 50 DownScroll: 570
defaultPlayerStrumY2 The default y-position of the player's up strum arrow. Float Upscroll: 50 DownScroll: 570
defaultPlayerStrumY3 The default y-position of the player's right strum arrow. Float Upscroll: 50 DownScroll: 570
All Shortcut to:

Variables Shortcut
defaultPlayerStrumX0 getPropertyFromGroup('playerStrums', 0, 'x')
defaultPlayerStrumX1 getPropertyFromGroup('playerStrums', 1, 'x')
defaultPlayerStrumX2 getPropertyFromGroup('playerStrums', 2, 'x')
defaultPlayerStrumX3 getPropertyFromGroup('playerStrums', 3, 'x')
defaultPlayerStrumY0 getPropertyFromGroup('playerStrums', 0, 'y')
defaultPlayerStrumY1 getPropertyFromGroup('playerStrums', 1, 'y')
defaultPlayerStrumY2 getPropertyFromGroup('playerStrums', 2, 'y')
defaultPlayerStrumY3 getPropertyFromGroup('playerStrums', 3, 'y')

Opponent Strums

Variables Description Type Default Value
defaultOpponentStrumX0 The default x-position of the opponent's
left strum arrow.
Float 92
defaultOpponentStrumX1 The default x-position of the opponent's
down strum arrow.
Float 204
defaultOpponentStrumX2 The default x-position of the opponent's
up strum arrow.
Float 316
defaultOpponentStrumX3 The default x-position of the opponent's
right strum arrow.
Float 428
defaultOpponentStrumY0 The default y-position of the opponent's
left strum arrow.
Float Upscroll: 50 DownScroll: 570
defaultOpponentStrumY1 The default y-position of the opponent's
down strum arrow.
Float Upscroll: 50 DownScroll: 570
defaultOpponentStrumY2 The default y-position of the opponent's
up strum arrow.
Float Upscroll: 50 DownScroll: 570
defaultOpponentStrumY3 The default y-position of the opponent's
right strum arrow.
Float Upscroll: 50 DownScroll: 570
All Shortcut to:

Variables Shortcut
defaultOpponentStrumX0 getPropertyFromGroup('opponentStrums', 0, 'x')
defaultOpponentStrumX1 getPropertyFromGroup('opponentStrums', 1, 'x')
defaultOpponentStrumX2 getPropertyFromGroup('opponentStrums', 2, 'x')
defaultOpponentStrumX3 getPropertyFromGroup('opponentStrums', 3, 'x')
defaultOpponentStrumY0 getPropertyFromGroup('opponentStrums', 0, 'y')
defaultOpponentStrumY1 getPropertyFromGroup('opponentStrums', 1, 'y')
defaultOpponentStrumY2 getPropertyFromGroup('opponentStrums', 2, 'y')
defaultOpponentStrumY3 getPropertyFromGroup('opponentStrums', 3, 'y')


Variables Description Type
screenWidth The current width of the screen in game pixels. Float
screenHeight The current height of the screen in game pixels. Float
version The current version of Psych Engine. String
buildTarget The current build target (device) of Psych Engine. String
scriptName The current script name that's running from. String
currentModDirectory The current mod folder that's running in. String
All Shortcut to:

Variables Shortcut
screenWidth getPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'width')
screenHeight getPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'height')
version getPropertyFromClass('MainMenuState', 'psychEngineVersion')
buildTarget callMethodFromClass('psychlua.LuaUtils', 'getBuildTarget')
scriptName None
currentModDirectory getPropertyFromClass('backend.Mods', 'currentModDirectory')
All Shortcut to (Deprecated; Pre-Source Code Overhual):

Variables Shortcut
screenWidth No Changes
screenHeight No Changes
version No Changes
buildTarget None
scriptName None
currentModDirectory getPropertyFromClass('Mods', 'currentModDirectory')



For special variables that are "settable", meaning you can re-assign new values manually, for instance: luaDebugMode = true.

Variables Description Type Settable
luaDebugMode Enables the ability to see hidden error messages, recommended if you're
Boolean true
luaDeprecatedWarnings Enables the ability to show deprecated warnings for deprecated functions.
Recommended to disable if you're using some deprecated functions.
Boolean true
Function_Continue Enables the event callbacks functionality. String false
Function_Stop Disables the event callbacks functionality. String false
Function_StopLua Disables the event callbacks functionality, only in Lua. String false
Function_StopHScript Disables the event callbacks functionality, only in HScript. String false
Function_StopAll Disables the event callbacks functionality, only both in Lua and HScript. String false
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