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Lua Script API: HScript Functions

Meme1079 edited this page Dec 25, 2024 · 8 revisions

Haxe Interpreter Functions

runHaxeCode(code:String, ?vars:Array<Any> = null, ?func:String = null, ?args:Array<Dynamic> = null):Void

Runs a Haxe code and interpretes the code within a Lua script.

  • code - The given code to be interpreted.
  • vars - An optional parameter, the given variables to import within code; must be a table dictionary.
  • func - An optional parameter, the said given function within the code to call itself.
  • args - An optional parameter, the certain amount of arguments to passed within the function, if said arguments exists.


A simple Haxe code, creates a custom text by utilizing the Alphabet class from the objects library package.

     import objects.Alphabet;

     var awesome = new Alphabet(0, 0, 'Awesome', true);
     awesome.cameras = [game.camHUD];

Imports variables that randomizes integer numbers to be used to calculate the area of an ellipse.

     function areaEllipse(aAxis:Float, bAxis:Float):Float {
          return Math.PI * aAxis * bAxis;

     debugPrint(areaEllipse(awesomeNumber1, awesomeNumber2));
]], {awesomeNumber1 = getRandomInt(0, 10), awesomeNumber2 = getRandomInt(0, 10)})

Calls the area of an ellipse function and prints its calculated area. This is probably used to overcome some obscure bug from the runHaxeCode() function, when printing within functions.

     function areaEllipse(aAxis:Float, bAxis:Float):Float {
          debugPrint(Math.PI * aAxis * bAxis);
]], nil, 'areaEllipse', {54, 43})

runHaxeFunction(func:String, ?args:Array<Dynamic> = null):Void

Runs a function from the previous interpreted Haxe code within a Lua script.

  • func - An optional parameter, the said given function within the code to call outside the code from.
  • args - An optional parameter, the certain amount of arguments to passed within the function, if said arguments exists.


Calls a bunch of formulas outside the Haxe code.

     function areaPyramid(baseLength:Float, baseWidth:Float, height:Float):Float {
          var calcDimensions = (baseMain:Float, baseAlt:Float) -> {
               return baseAlt * Math.sqrt( Math.pow((baseMain/2), 2) + Math.pow(height, 2) );

          var dimensionLength = calcDimensions(baseLength, baseWidth);
          var dimensionWidth  = calcDimensions(baseWidth, baseLength);
          return (baseLength * baseWidth) + dimensionLength + dimensionWidth;

     function areaCone(radius:Float, height:Float):Float {
          return Math.PI * radius * (radius + Math.sqrt( Math.pow(height, 2) + Math.pow(radius, 2) ));

debugPrint( runHaxeFunction('areaPyramid', {3, 4, 5}) ) --> 49.036107439225
debugPrint( runHaxeFunction('areaCone', {12, 33}) )     --> 1776.1597151886

See Also

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