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Lua Script API: Custom Substates

Meme1079 edited this page May 9, 2024 · 3 revisions

About Custom Substates

Substates are a special state that are opened within a FlxState, or another FlxSubstate. If one is opened, the parent state will stop updating unless persistentUpdate is true. They are commonly used in pause screens, or other pop-up type screens.

In Psych Engine we can create our own custom substate by using one of the custom substates' callback functions. Once you're done creating your custom substate. we can activate or open the custom substates by using the openCustomSubstate() function they can be manually paused the game by setting the second argument to true.

While open, in this state, you can't do anything; even tapping the debug buttons won't help you. So you'll need to configure a key pressing detection. Inside that if statement should have a closeCustomSubstate() function to deactivate or close the current substate manually.


Custom Substates can only have one substate active at a time, so no multiple activated substates.

Creating a Custom Substate

In this stupid goddamn tutorial, I will make a simple pause screen to give you a sense on how custom substates are created. I promise it won't be that "complicated" to understand it.

Let's start off with onCustomSubstateCreate(), it works exactly the same as the onCreate() callback. This is where we will set up our own custom substate adding sprite, text, and objects. Also, it's recommended to add an if statement for the name parameter if you are using multiple substates, it's just so that if you are making sprites or whatever, it will only make those sprites if the substate name is the same as the one you are checking for and it will not overlap between different substates.


function onCustomSubstateCreate(name)
     if name == 'My Substate' then
          makeLuaSprite('substate_bg', nil, 0, 0)
          makeGraphic('substate_bg', screenWidth, screenHeight, '000000')
          setObjectCamera('substate_bg', 'camOther')
          setProperty('substate_bg.alpha', 0.6)

          doTweenAlpha('substate_bg', 'substate_bg', 0.6, 0.4, 'quartInOut')

Replacing the pause screen is as simple, all you'll have to do is use the openCustomSubstate() function with the chosen name of your substate and make sure pauseGame argument is set to true. To manually change the game's existing pause menu, all of this should be inside the onPause() function while also returning Function_Stop to stop the real pause menu from opening.


function onPause()
     openCustomSubstate('My Substate', true)
     return Function_Stop;

Now if you wish to close your custom substate, use the closeCustomSubstate() function with a key pressing detection configured in an if statement; any key button can be used. Now all of this should be inside the onCustomSubstateUpdate() callback function since this is the substate equivalent to onUpdate(). onUpdate() will not work properly if persistentUpdate is false because it only gets called when the parent state is updating.

Lastly, the onCustomSubstateDestroy() function, it works exactly the same as the onDestroy() callback. Sprites should already get removed if you added them into the substate correctly when the substate closes, so you don't have to manually remove them; However, insertToCustomSubstate() unfortunately does not currently support text objects, so you'll still have to use addLuaText() and use removeLuaText() on onCustomSubstateDestroy().


function onCustomSubstateUpdate(name, elapsed)
     if keyboardJustPressed('ENTER') then

function onCustomSubstateDestroy(name)
     if name == 'My Substate' then
          -- remove text objects here if any exists

And now you have your very own custom substate yay!!!!!!!! It's not really special it can only pause which is lame but you can just modify the code. Like adding restart, resume, or exit song buttons and even a new design to make a proper pause menu.

Custom Substate Functions

openCustomSubstate(name:String, ?pauseGame:Bool = false)

Opens your custom substate.

  • name - The name of your custom substate to open.
  • pauseGame - An optional parameter, Whether the game will pause after the custom substate has been opened; Default value: false.

insertToCustomSubstate(tag:String, ?pos:Int = -1)

Inserts a Lua object to the custom substate instance with the given position; Does not currently support Lua text objects.

  • tag - The object tag name to insert a custom substate.
  • pos - An optional parameter, The specified position in the substate to insert in; If pos is -1, it will be added to the substate normally; Default value: -1.


Closes the current active custom substate, this will call the onCustomSubstateDestroy() callback.

Custom Substate Callback Functions


Works exactly the same as the onCreate() callback but for custom substates; Will be triggered every time a custom substate opens.

  • name - The name of a custom substate to check.


Works exactly the same as the onCreatePost() callback but for custom substates; Will be triggered every time a custom substate opens.

  • name - The name of a custom substate to check.

onCustomSubstateUpdate(name, elapsed)

Works exactly the same as the onUpdate() callback but for custom substates; Will be triggered every frame in the custom substate.

  • name - The name of a custom substate to check.
  • elapsed - Every frame display in milliseconds; Shortcut to getPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'elapsed').

onCustomSubstateUpdatePost(name, elapsed)

Works exactly the same as the onUpdatePost() callback but for custom substate; Will be triggered every frame in the custom substate.

  • name - The name of a custom substate to check.
  • elapsed - Every frame display in milliseconds; Shortcut to getPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'elapsed').


Works exactly the same as the onDestroy() callback but for custom substates; Will be triggered when a custom substate is closed.

  • name - The name of a custom substate to check.

Custom Substate HScript Variables

  • customSubstate - The current opened custom substate instance. If none is opened, this will be null.
  • customSubstateName - The name of the current opened custom substate. If none is opened, this will be unnamed.
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