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Lua Script API: General Functions

Meme1079 edited this page Dec 25, 2024 · 58 revisions

Character Functions


Makes the specified character play their default idle animation.

  • characterType - The specified character type to play an idle animation; Can be either: boyfriend, dad, or gf.


Forces to play an idle animation to the player character, if the key pressing has gone on after $1$ second.

function onKeyPress(key)
     runTimer('resetAnim', 1, 0)

function onTimerCompleted(tag, loops, loopsLeft)
     if tag == 'resetAnim' then


setCharacterX(characterType:String, value:Float):Void

Sets the specified character's current x-position to a new value, a shorthand version.

  • characterType - The specified character type to set its x-position to; Can be either: boyfriend, dad, or gf.
  • value - The new x-position value to set to.


Sets the x-position of the girlfriend character by a randomizer from $0$ through $100$.

setCharacterX('gf', getRandomInt(0, 100))

setCharacterY(characterType:String, value:Float):Void

Sets the specified character's current y-position to a new value, a shorthand version.

  • characterType - The specified character type to set its y-position to; Can be either: boyfriend, dad, or gf.
  • value - The new y-position value to set to.


Sets the y-position of the girlfriend character by a randomizer from $0$ through $100$.

setCharacterY('gf', getRandomInt(0, 100))



Gets the specified character's current x-position value from, a shorthand version.

  • characterType - The specified character type to get its current x-position value from; Can be either: boyfriend, dad, or gf.


Gets the specified character's current y-position value from, a shorthand version.

  • characterType - The specified character type to get its current y-position value from; Can be either: boyfriend, dad, or gf.

Rating Accuracy Functions


setScore(value:Int = 0):Void

Sets the score value with a new score total value value, and recalculates the rating.

  • value - An optional parameter, the new score total value to set to; Default value: 0.


Sets the score value to this value.


setMisses(value:Int = 0):Void

Sets the miss value with a new miss total value value, and recalculates the rating.

  • value - An optional parameter, the new miss total value to set to; Default value: 0.


Sets the miss value to this value.


setHits(value:Int = 0):Void

Sets the hit value with a new hit total value value, and recalculates the rating.

  • value - An optional parameter, the new hit total value to set to; Default value: 0.


Sets the hit value to this value.


setHealth(value:Float = 1):Void

Sets the health value with a new health total value.

  • value - An optional parameter, the new health total value to set to; Default value: 0.


Sets the health value to this value.



Sets the rating percent accuracy value with a new percent accuracy value.

  • value - The new percent accuracy value to set to; Goes from 0 to 1.


Sets the rating percent to this value.



Sets the rating name accuracy value with a new name accuracy value.

  • value - The new name accuracy value to set to.


Sets the rating name to this value.

setRatingName('I\'m in your walls')


Sets the rating combo name value with a new combo name value.

  • value - The new combo name value to set to.

Sets the rating combo name to this value.

setRatingFC('Double Combo!!')


addScore(value:Int = 0):Void

Adds the specified amount of score value to its current value, and recalculates the rating.

  • value - An optional parameter, the amount of value to add to the score value; Default value: 0.


Adds this score value when hitting note.

function goodNoteHit(membersIndex, noteData, noteType, isSustainNote)

addMisses(value:Int = 0):Void

Adds the specified amount of miss value to its current value, and recalculates the rating.

  • value - An optional parameter, the amount of value to add to the miss value; Default value: 0.


Adds this miss value when missing note.

function noteMiss(membersIndex, noteData, noteType, isSustainNote)

addHits(value:Int = 0):Void

Adds the specified amount of hit value to its current value, and recalculates the rating.

  • value - An optional parameter, the amount of value to add to the hits value; Default value: 0.


Adds this hit value when hitting note.

function goodNoteHit(membersIndex, noteData, noteType, isSustainNote)

addHealth(value:Float = 0):Void

Adds the specified amount of health value to its current value.

  • value - An optional parameter, the amount of value to add to the health value; Default value: 0.


Adds this health at $0.1$ when hitting a note while $-0.1$ when missing a note.

function goodNoteHit(membersIndex, noteData, noteType, isSustainNote)

function noteMiss(membersIndex, noteData, noteType, isSustainNote)



Gets the current health total value.

Camera Functions


Makes the camera forcefully focus on target character.

  • target - The specified character type to focus at; Can be either: boyfriend, dad, or gf.


Forces the camera to the player character always on each update of the frame.

function onUpdate(elapsed)

cameraShake(camera:String, intensity:Float, duration:Float):Void

Makes the camera screen shake.

  • camera - The specified camera state to apply to; Can be either: camGame, camHUD or camOther.
  • intensity - The amount of intensity for the shaking of the camera; Recommended value: 0.05.
  • duration - The amount of duration length of the camera shaking to manually end.


Forces the camera HUD to shake when missing a note.

function noteMiss(membersIndex, noteData, noteType, isSustainNote)
     cameraShake('camHUD', 0.008, 1)

cameraFlash(camera:String, color:String, duration:Float, forced:Bool):Void

Makes the camera screen flash.

  • camera - The specified camera state to apply to; Can be either: camGame, camHUD or camOther.
  • color - The flash color to display on the camera screen.
  • duration - The amount of duration length of the camera flashing to manually end.
  • forced - Whether the flash will restart or not, if there's already a flash currently happening.


Forces a color green flash within the camera HUD, when a specific animation plays.

function onUpdate(elapsed)
     if getProperty('') == 'hey' then
          cameraFlash('camHUD', '00ff00', 0.8)

cameraFade(camera:String, color:String, duration:Float, forced:Bool, ?fadeOut:Bool = false):Void

Makes the camera screen fade.

  • camera - The specified camera state to apply to; Can be either: camGame, camHUD or camOther.
  • color - The fade color to display on the camera screen.
  • duration - The amount of duration length of the camera fading to manually end.
  • forced - Whether the fade will restart or not, if there's already a fade currently happening.
  • fadeOut - An optional parameter, whether it will fade-in or fade-out; Default value: false.


Does a fade-in using a black color.

function onCreate()
     cameraFade('camHUD', '000000', 1, false, true)

Camera Targeting Functions


setCameraFollowPoint(x:Float, y:Float):Void

Sets the camera's object follow point coordinates with a new follow point coordinate values. For the camera object to scroll to that specific point coordinates.

  • x - The new x-position value to set the camera's follow point coordinates to.
  • y - The new y-position value to set the camera's follow point coordinates to.


Changes the camera follow point coordinates when focusing to the player character.

function onMoveCamera(focus)
     if focus == 'boyfriend' then
          setCameraFollowPoint(800, 450)

setCameraScroll(x:Float, y:Float):Void

Sets the camera's parallax scroll position value with a new scroll position values.

  • x - The new x-position value to set the camera's scroll value to.
  • y - The new y-position value to set the camera's scroll value to.


Forcefully sets the camera's scroll position to the player character's follow point coordinates. When focusing at the player character, thus making it instantly set to that coordinate.

function onMoveCamera(focus)
     if focus == 'boyfriend' then
          setCameraScroll(800, 450)


addCameraFollowPoint(?x:Float = 0, ?y:Float = 0):Void

Adds the specified amount of the camera's object coordinates follow point to its current value. For the camera object to scroll to that specific point coordinates.

  • x - An optional parameter, the amount value given to the x-position to add; Default value: 0.
  • y - An optional parameter, the amount value given to the y-position to add; Default value: 0.


Adds $150$ value only to the camera's object x-coordinate when focusing to the player character.

function onMoveCamera(focus)
     if focus == 'boyfriend' then

addCameraScroll(?x:Float = 0, ?y:Float = 0):Void

Adds the specified amount of the camera's parallax scroll position value to its current value.

  • x - An optional parameter, the amount value given to the x-position to add; Default value: 0.
  • y - An optional parameter, the amount value given to the y-position to add; Default value: 0.


Adds $-200$ value only to the camera's scroll x-position when focusing to the opponent character.

function onMoveCamera(focus)
     if focus == 'dad' then



Gets the current camera's object follow point x-coordinates current value.


Gets the current camera's object follow point y-coordinates current value.


Gets the current camera's parallax scroll x-position current value.


Gets the current camera's parallax scroll y-position current value.

Achievement Functions

Achievement Property Scores


For the name parameter, if the given element name tag from the achievement JSON file isn't present within the data. It will immediately throw an error and returns: -1.

setAchievementScore(name:String, ?value:Float = 1, ?saveIfNotUnlocked = true):Float

Sets the specified achievement score value with a new value, plus returning its current new value.

  • name - The specified element name tag from the achievement JSON file to utilize.
  • value - An optional parameter, the new achievement score value to set to; Default value: 1.
  • saveIfNotUnlocked - An optional parameter, whether the score value will save if isn't at or above the maximum value. Reffering to the element maxScore from the achievement JSON file; Default value: true.

addAchievementScore(name:String, ?value:Float = 1, ?saveIfNotUnlocked:Bool = true):Float

Adds the specified amount of achievement score value to its current value, plus returning its current added new value.

  • name - The specified element name tag from the achievement JSON file to utilize.
  • value - An optional parameter, the amount of value to add to the achievement score value; Default value: 1.
  • saveIfNotUnlocked - An optional parameter, whether the score value will save if isn't at or above the maximum value. Reffering to the element maxScore from the achievement JSON file; Default value: true.


Gets the specified achievement score current value.

  • name - The specified element name tag from the achievement JSON file to utilize.

Achievement Utility


Immediately unlocks the given achievement and returns the unlocked achievement name.

  • name - The specified element name tag from the achievement JSON file to unlock.


Checks whether the given achievement exists or not, probably used to prevent envoking an error.

  • name - The specified element name tag from the achievement JSON file to check its existence.


Checks whether the given achievement has been unlocked or not.

  • name - The specified element name tag from the achievement JSON file to check its status.

Dialogues & Cutscene Functions

startDialogue(dialogue:String, music:String = null):Void

Starts a dialogue.

  • dialogue - The specified dialogue JSON file to load; Relative to the data/song-name folder.
  • music - An optional parameter, the background music to play during the dialogue; Relative to the music folder.

startVideo(video:String, ?skippable:Bool = true):Void

Starts and plays a video cutscene.

  • video - The specified video file to play; Relative to the videos folder.
  • skippable - An optional parameter, whether the ability to skip the video is enable or not; Default value: true.


Starts the countdown immediately, that's it.

Song Utility Functions

loadSong(?name:String = null, ?difficultyNum:Int = -1):Void

Loads a given song within the game.


When loading a specific song with different week JSON files, the difficulty list must equal to each-other to prevent erros and stuff.

  • name - An optional parameter, the given song name to load, if the argument is left blank—load itself.
  • difficulty - An optional parameter, the specified difficulty ID number to load to, uses -1 to load its current difficulty from the previous song; Default value: -1.

restartSong(?skipTransition:Bool = false):Void

Restarts the song that's currently playing on.

  • skipTransition - An optional parameter, whether the fading transition are enable or not; Default value: false.

exitSong(?skipTransition:Bool = false):Void

Exits the song to the story mode or freeplay menus; not to be confused with the endSong() function.

  • skipTransition - An optional parameter, whether the fading transition are enable or not; Default value: false.


Ends the song manually.

Lua Exists Functions


Checks whether if the Lua sprite object within the game exists or not.

  • tag - The tag name of the sprite object to check its existence.


Checks whether if the Lua text object within the game exists or not.

  • tag - The tag name of the text object to check its existence.


Checks whether if the Lua sound within the game exists or not.

  • tag - The tag name of the sound to check its existence.

Color Functions

setHealthBarColors(opponent:String, player:String):Void

Set the health-bar colors from either both the opponent and player with a new color.

  • opponent - The new color for the opponent bar color to display.
  • player - The new color for the player bar color to display.


Sets both the opponent and player health-bar colors to these color values.

function onCreatePost()
     setHealthBarColors('FF0000', '00FF00')

setTimeBarColors(background:String, percent:String):Void

Set the time-bar colors from either both the percent bar and background with a new color.

  • background - The new color for the time-bar background color to display.
  • percent - The new color for the percent bar color to display.


Sets both the background and percent time-bar colors to these color values.

function onCreatePost()
     setTimeBarColors('C8FF00', '3700FF')

getPixelColor(obj:String, x:Int, y:Int):Int

Returns the color in hexadecimal value of the given object by its pixel size value. It uses 32-bit decimal interger, if converted into a hexadecimal number it will formatted as: FFFFFFFFAARRGGBB.

  • object - The object tag name to get its color from.
  • x - The x-position value from the object to get its pixel color from.
  • y - The y-position value from the object to get its pixel color from.


Gets the specific color of the boyfriend character and converts to a hexadecimal number.

debugPrint( ('%x'):format( getPixelColor('bf', 30, 24) ) ) --> FFFFFFFFFF000000


Parses and returns color in hexadecimal value by its corresponding FlxColor class value. Additionally this function has alternative names such as: getColorFromString() and FlxColor() functions, if you don't like the name or smt idk.

  • color - The given color format to parse.


Set the colors of boyfriend, girlfriend, and opponent character to their corresponding colors.

setProperty('bf.color', getColorFromName('0xffff00'))
setProperty('gf.color', getColorFromName('#ffff00'))
setProperty('dad.color', getColorFromName('yellow'))


Works the same as the getColorFromName() function, but doesn't require the hexadecimal hashtag # to represent hexadecimal.

  • color - The given color format to parse.



setProperty('gf.color', getColorFromName('ffff00'))

Discord Status Functions

changeDiscordPresence(details:String, state:Null<String>, ?smallImageKey:String, ?hasStartTimestamp:Bool, ?endTimestamp:Float, ?largeImageKey:String):Void

Changes your current Discord RPC detail status.


The endTimestamp parameter must have the hasStartTimestamp parameter to be set to true.

  • details - The given application title for the rich presence.
  • state - The given application mini-description for the rich presence.
  • smallImageKey - An optional parameter, the minor image icon of your RPC at the bottom-right corner.
  • hasStartTimestamp - An optional parameter, whether your RPC should have have a time stamp displaying or not.
  • endTimestamp - An optional parameter, whether to use a countdown or not, by milliseconds.
  • largeImageKey - An optional parameter, the main image icon of your RPC.

changeDiscordClientID(?newID:String = null):Void

Changes your current Discord Client ID.

  • newID - The new client ID number for the discord client to inherit.

Mouse Position Functions

getMouseX(?camera:String = 'camGame'):Float

Gets the current mouse x-position by its given camera state.

  • An optional parameter, the specified camera state to apply to; Can be either: camGame, camHUD or camOther
    Default value: camGame.

getMouseY(?camera:String = 'game'):Float

Gets the current mouse y-position by its given camera state.

  • An optional parameter, the specified camera state to apply to; Can be either: camGame, camHUD or camOther
    Default value: camGame.

Miscellaneous Functions

triggerEvent(name:String, ?arg1:Dynamic = '', ?arg2:Dynamic = ''):Bool

Triggers a given event.

  • name - The given name of the event to trigger.
  • arg1 - An optional parameter, the first argument of the event to use, if it even uses one.
  • arg2 - An optional parameter, the secondary argument of the event to use, if it even uses one.

getModSetting(saveTag:String, ?modName:String = null):Void

Gets the specified element tag from the settings JSON file to utilize.

  • saveTag - The specified element tag name to get its current saved value.
  • modName - An optional parameter, The given mod folder to locally find the settings JSON file within itself.


Returns the current song position by milliseconds; Shortcut to: getPropertyFromClass('backend.Conductor', 'songPosition').


Updates the current score text content when changing any of its rating calculations, that's it.

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