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Lua Script API: Object Functions

Meme1079 edited this page Oct 28, 2022 · 27 revisions

Graphics Functions

makeGraphic(tag:String, width:Int, height:Int, color:String)

Creates a colored screen object.

  • tag - The sprite tag or object variable name.
  • width - The width value in pixels of the colored screen.
  • height - The height value in pixels of the colored screen.
  • color - The color of the screen. (Must be a Hexadecimal Color Code)

Example: Use makeGraphic('testBlackSquare', 1000, 1000, '000000') to make the lua Sprite with the tag "testBlackSquare" turn into a 1000x1000 black square.

setBlendMode(obj:String, blend:String)

Changes the blend mode of a sprite object. (Works similar to how Photoshop do it)

  • obj - The sprite tag or object variable name.
  • blend - The blend mode to use.

Example: add, darken, normal

List of blend modes

Animations Functions

addAnimationByPrefix(tag:String, name:String, prefix:String, framerate:Int = 24, loop:Bool = true)

Adds an animation name to the lua sprite/object using the tag/variable tag, it will also overwrite another animation using the same name.

  • tag - The sprite tag or object variable name.
  • name - The animation name to played.
  • prefix - The animation name on the xml file.
  • framerate - An optional value, how many frames per second does the animation have, Default value is 24.
  • loop - An optional value, This will loop the animation, Default value is true.

addAnimationByIndices(tag:String, name:String, prefix:String, indices:String, framerate:Int = 24)

Adds an animation name to the lua sprite/object using the tag/variable tag with the specified indices on indices, it will also overwrite another animation using the same name.

  • obj - The sprite tag or object variable name.
  • name - The animation name to played.
  • prefix - The animation name on the xml file.
  • indices - The frames for the animation that should be used, must be separated each by a comma, Example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
  • framerate - An optional value, how many frames per second does the animation have, Default value is 24

objectPlayAnimation(obj:String, name:String, forced:Bool = false)

Plays animation name on a lua sprite/object with the tag or variable object.

  • obj - The sprite tag or object variable name.
  • name - The animation name to played.
  • forced - If true, if the current animation is the same as the one you're attempting to play, the animation will be reset, Default value is false.

playAnim(obj:String, name:String, forced:Bool = false, ?reverse:Bool = false, ?startFrame:Int = 0)

Works the same as objectPlayAnimation() but with different parameters.

  • obj - The sprite tag or object variable name.
  • name - The animation name to played.
  • forced - If true, if the current animation is the same as the one you're attempting to play, the animation will be reset, Default value is false.
  • reverse - Will reverse the animation when played.
  • startFrame - The starting frame on the animation to played.

Object Order Functions

objectsOverlap(obj1:String, obj2:String)

If the object is overlaping on a another object it will return true, if not then false.

  • obj1 - The main object.
  • obj2 - The object that will overlap the main object.

setObjectOrder(obj:String, position:Int)

Sets the objects layer position.

  • obj - The sprite tag or object variable name.
  • position - The new position order of the object.


Note: when referring to characters, you must refer to their group boyfriendGroup, gfGroup, dadGroup.

Gets the objects layer position.

  • obj - The sprite tag or object variable name.

Scale Functions

setGraphicSize(obj:String, multX:Float, multY:Float = 0)

Sets the graphic size by pixel.

  • obj - The sprite tag or object variable/playstate name.
  • multX - The width of the object to be set, Default value is 1.
  • multY - The heigth of the object to be set, Default value is 1.

scaleObject(obj:String, multX:Float, multY:Float = 0)

Sets the object size by .scale property.

  • obj - The sprite tag or object variable/playstate name.
  • multX - The width of the object to be set, Default value is 1.
  • multY - The heigth of the object to be set, Default value is 1.


Use this to update the hitbox in case you change the sprite's scale manually or via a tween.

  • obj - The sprite tag or object variable/playstate name.

Other Functions

setScrollFactor(obj:String, scrollX:Float, scrollY:Float)

Changes how much a sprite moves along with the camera.

  • obj - The sprite tag or object variable name.
  • scrollX - The x value of the scroll factor.
  • scrollY - The y value of the scroll factor.

Note: Boyfriend/Opponent have a scrollX/scrollY value of 1, while Girlfriend have a scrollX/scrollY value of 0.95, if you're gonna do background elements, it's highly suggested that you make the values something under 1.

setObjectCamera(obj:String, camera:String)

Changes on which camera should your object be drawn on.

  • obj - The sprite tag or object variable name.
  • camera - Can be either camGame, camHUD or camOther.

addOffset(obj:String, anim:String, x:Float, y:Float)

Adds an offset of the animation.

  • obj - The sprite tag or object variable name.
  • anim - The animation name to played.
  • x - the new x value of the animation.
  • y - the new x value of the animation.


Gets the midpoint x value of the object.

  • variable - The sprite tag or object variable name.


Gets the midpoint y value of the object.

  • variable - The sprite tag or object variable name.


Gets the x value of the objects screen position.

  • variable - The sprite tag or object variable name.


Gets the y value of the objects screen position.

  • variable - The sprite tag or object variable name.

screenCenter(obj:String, pos:String = 'xy')

Sets the object to center of the screen

  • obj - The sprite/text tag or object variable name.
  • pos - The position you want to set in, it could be either: X, Y, XY.
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