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Lua Script API: Object Functions

Meme1079 edited this page May 9, 2024 · 27 revisions

Graphic Functions

makeGraphic(tag:String, width:Int = 256, height:Int = 256, color:String = 'FFFFFF')

Initializes the creation of a colored fill texture; Must be declared after the makeLuaSprite() function.

  • tag - The sprite object's tag name to be used.
  • width - The width value in pixels of the object; Default value: 256.
  • height - The height value in pixels of the object; Default value: 256.
  • color - The color value of the object; Default value: FFFFFF.

loadGraphic(variable:String, image:String, ?gridX:Int = 0, ?gridY:Int = 0)

Changes the sprite texture with a new one. With an option to set the crop size of the sprite object.

  • variable - The sprite object's tag name to be used.
  • image - The new image sprite for the sprite object to be used.
  • gridX - An optional parameter, The crop width of the sprite texture; Default value: 0.
  • gridY - An optional parameter, The crop height of the sprite texture; Default value: 0.

setBlendMode(obj:String, blend:String = '')

Changes the blend mode of the object. If you want to see more blend modes, click here. (Works similar to how Photoshop does it)

  • obj - The sprite object's tag name to be used.
  • blend - The blend mode to be used; Example: add, darken, invert, etc; Default value: ''.

Animation Functions

playAnim(obj:String, name:String, forced:Bool = false, ?reverse:Bool = false, ?startFrame:Int = 0)

Plays an existing animation of the sprite object; it can override an animation. If there are two or similar names inside the name parameter; this rule is applied to all name parameters.

  • obj - The sprite object's tag name to be used.
  • name - The specified name of the animation to use.
  • forced - Whether the animation will restart if the animation name is the same one as the animation currently playing; Default value: false.
  • reverse - An optional parameter, Whether the animation will be played backwards; Default value false.
  • startFrame - An optional parameter, The frame in the animation to start from; Default value: 0.

addAnimation(obj:String, name:String, frames:Array<Int>, framerate:Int = 24, loop:Bool = true)

Adds a new animation of the sprite object.

  • obj - The sprite object's tag name to be used.
  • name - The specified name of the animation to use.
  • frames - The indices indicating what animation frames to play in what order; Example: {1, 2, 3}.
  • framerate - The speed in frames per second that the animation should play at; Default value: 24.
  • loop - Whether the animation will loop or not; Default value true.

addAnimationByPrefix(obj:String, name:String, prefix:String, framerate:Int = 24, loop:Bool = true)

Adds a new animation from the xml file for the sprite object to use.

  • obj - The sprite object's tag name to be used.
  • name - The specified name of the animation to use.
  • prefix - The prefix name inside the xml file to be played.
  • framerate - The speed in frames per second that the animation should play at; Default value: 24.
  • loop - Whether the animation will loop or not; Default value: true.

addAnimationByIndices(obj:String, name:String, prefix:String, indices:String, framerate:Int = 24, loop:Bool = false)

Note: In versions below 0.7, you must use addAnimationByIndicesLoop if you want to loop your animation, as the sixth parameter here does not exist; All the parameters will be the same excluding the loop parameter.

Adds a new animation with the specified indices for the animation frames to play for the sprite object to use.

  • obj - The sprite object's tag name to be used.
  • name - The specified name of the animation to use.
  • prefix - The prefix name inside the xml file to be played.
  • frames - The indices indicating what animation frames to play in what order; Example: 1, 2, 3.
  • framerate - The speed in frames per second that the animation should play at; Default value: 24.
  • loop - Whether the animation will loop or not; Default value: false.

addOffset(obj:String, anim:String, x:Float, y:Float)

Adds a new offset value on each animation.

  • obj - The sprite object's tag name to be used.
  • anim - The specified name of the animation to use.
  • x - The new x offset value of the animation.
  • y - the new y offset value of the animation.

loadFrames(variable:String, image:String, spriteType:String = "sparrow")

Loads the Lua sprites animation frames.

  • variable The sprite object's tag name to be used.
  • image - The image sprite for the sprite to use.
  • spriteType - An optional parameter, The specified sprite type of the Lua sprite could be either a sprite-sheet for sparrow or texture-atlas for tex; Default value: sparrow.

Precaching Functions


It's highly recommended that you use this on the onCreate() callback. These functions are mainly used for avoiding a massive game freeze when an asset first gets used.

addCharacterToList(name:String, type:String)

Pre-caches the sprite character, this used if you're switching characters.

  • name - The json name of the character.
  • type - The character type to be used; Can be either: boyfriend, dad or gf.

precacheImage(name:String, ?allowGPU:Bool = true)

Pre-caches the image sprite; Must be relative to mods/images, assets/images, or assets/shared/images folders.

  • name - The image sprite for the sprite to use.
  • allowGPU - An optional parameter, Whether to allow to cache on the GPU if GPU Caching is enabled; Default value: true.


Pre-caches the sound; Must be relative to mods/sounds or assets/sounds folders.

  • name - The ogg sound file to be played.


Pre-caches the music; Must be relative to mods/music or assets/music folders.

  • name - The ogg music file to be played.

Object Order Functions

setObjectOrder(obj:String, position:Int)

Sets the current layer position of the object with a new value.

  • obj - The object's tag name to be used.
  • position - The new layer position to be set.


Gets the current layer position of the object current value; Returns an int number.

  • obj - The object's tag name to be used.

objectsOverlap(obj1:String, obj2:String)

Checks if two objects are overlapping each-other; Returns a boolean.

  • obj1 - The first object tag name to be used.
  • obj2 - The second object tag name to be used.

Scale Functions

setGraphicSize(obj:String, x:Int, y:Int = 0, updateHitbox:Bool = true)

Sets the object graphic size by pixels; Not to be confused with scaleObject().

  • obj - The object's tag name to be used.
  • x - The width value of the object to be set.
  • y - The height value of the object to be set; Default value: 0.
  • updateHitbox - Whether it will update the object's dimension or hitbox; Default value: true.

scaleObject(obj:String, x:Float, y:Float, updateHitbox:Bool = true)

Sets the object size by scale properties.

  • obj - The object's tag name to be used.
  • x - The scale.x value of the object to be set.
  • y - The scale.y value of the object to be set.
  • updateHitbox - Whether it will update the object's dimension or hitbox; Default value: true.


Updates the object's dimension or hitboxes. Used this if you're changing scale of the object.

  • obj - The object's tag name to be used.

Midpoint/Position Functions


Gets the midpoint x value in graphics, of the object; Not to be confused with getMidpointX() function; Returns a float number.

  • variable - The object's tag name to be used.


Gets the midpoint y value in graphics, of the object; Not to be confused with getMidpointY() function; Returns a float number.

  • variable - The object's tag name to be used.


Gets the midpoint x value of the object; Returns a float number.

  • variable - The object's tag name to be used.


Gets the midpoint y value of the object; Returns a float number.

  • variable - The object's tag name to be used.

getScreenPositionX(variable:String, ?camera:String)

Gets the screen x position of the object on the specific camera; Returns a float number.

  • variable - The object's tag name to be used.
  • camera - An optional parameter, The camera to check the position on.

getScreenPositionY(variable:String, ?camera:String)

Gets the screen y position of the object on the specific camera; Returns a float number.

  • variable - The object's tag name to be used.
  • camera - An optional parameter, The camera to check the position on.

screenCenter(obj:String, pos:String = 'xy')

Centers the object to either the X or Y position; Can also be both.

  • obj - The object's tag name to be used.
  • pos - The position you want to set in; Can be either: X, Y, XY; Default value: XY.

Other Functions

setScrollFactor(obj:String, scrollX:Float, scrollY:Float)

Changes how much the object scrolls when the camera moves.

  • obj - The object's tag name to be used.
  • scrollX - The x value of the scroll to be set.
  • scrollY - The y value of the scroll to be set.

setObjectCamera(obj:String, camera:String = '')

Changes the object's camera state.

  • obj - The object's tag name to be used.
  • camera - The camera state to be set in; Can be either: camGame, camHUD or camOther; Default value: ''.
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