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cuboideum edited this page Sep 20, 2018 · 3 revisions

Making notes on research data

During research, researchers might like to take notes concerning one instance, or even establish a connection between several instances. This can be done with the :ResearchNote class. If the observation is to be backed up by a reference from specialised literature, turn to :ResearchReference.

Research notes

Research notes always have a note related to them (via vcard:Note), containing the information a researcher would like to record, along with information on who wrote the research note (dc:Creator) and when (vivo:dateIssued). It relates (vivo:relates) to at least one, possibly several, entities that are concerned by the note's contents.

Research references

:ResearchReference is a subclass of :ResearchNote and inherits all its restrictions (cf. above). Additionally, it relates to exactly one information content entity (obo:InformationContentEntity) which it cites as a reference. The exact text passage can be further specified with information on start (bibo:pageStart) and end pages (bibo:pageEnd), document section (bibo:section), chapter (bibo:chapter) or volume (bibo:volume). In order to include a direct quote, link to an instance of type bibo:Quote (cf. the section on documents), which is also a subclass of obo:InformationContentEntity ('Information Content Entity').

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