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- This website shows a nice design of a portable transparent tablet concept (Designers: Liu-Wei, Yao Kai-Chi, Hong Ruei Hong and Chen Ya-Fang).
- Another concept from Ricardo Alonso.
- BRICK Concept Phone by futjitsu.
- Concept Phones is a blog with a list of very interesting transparent phone concepts.
- The abcDARIAN is a reading helper for adults.
Existing Devices:
Reviews - Reviews Summary - Thematic Summary - Rebuttal
I (Juan) always like to have a set of papers that make the core of our related work (or inspiration). In this case I believe these four papers sit at the core of what we are building and therefore we should know them throughoutly.
Eric A. Bier, Maureen C. Stone, Ken Pier, William Buxton, and Tony D. DeRose. 1993. Toolglass and magic lenses: the see-through interface. In Proceedings of the 20th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques (SIGGRAPH '93). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 73-80. DOI=10.1145/166117.166126 http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/166117.166126
Wendy E. Mackay, Guillaume Pothier, Catherine Letondal, Kaare Boegh, and Hans Erik Sorensen. 2002. The missing link: augmenting biology laboratory notebooks. In Proceedings of the 15th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST '02). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 41-50. DOI=10.1145/571985.571992 http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/571985.571992
Dominikus Baur, Sebastian Boring, and Steven Feiner. 2012. Virtual projection: exploring optical projection as a metaphor for multi-device interaction. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1693-1702. DOI=10.1145/2207676.2208297 http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2207676.2208297
Martin Spindler, Christian Tominski, Heidrun Schumann, and Raimund Dachselt. 2010. Tangible views for information visualization. In ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS '10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 157-166. DOI=10.1145/1936652.1936684 http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1936652.1936684
The UIST reviews pointed to some other relevant related work we had missed:
Cockburn, A., Karlson, A., & Bederson, B. B. (2008). A review of overview+ detail, zooming, and focus+ context interfaces. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 41(1), 2. --> Just a survey... perhaps not very relevant.
Benko, H., Ishak, E. W., & Feiner, S. (2004, November). Collaborative mixed reality visualization of an archaeological excavation. In Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2004. ISMAR 2004. Third IEEE and ACM International Symposium on (pp. 132-140). IEEE. --> One of their components is a spatially tracked tablet
Kim, K., & Elmqvist, N. (2012). Embodied lenses for collaborative visual queries on tabletop displays. Information Visualization, 11(4), 319-338. --> They use transparent tangibles on a tabletop as lenses
This is a renewed list of interaction techniques created after the UIST rejection. These techniques try to answer the question of "why do we need a transparent display mobile device?". Many of them do not depend on a model of the underlying object and therefore avoid the criticism presented by several reviewers.
We can also analyze the design space from the affordances + services perspective. Details here.
Link to the master thesis on Active Reading. Hopefully we can use this material to inform the design of the tPad prototypes.
Super Display
This is a session carried out in Germany by Raimund, Wolfgang and Ulrike (master student who wrote her thesis on active reading). This can be classified as co-design with an expert.
This is a series of interviews carried out in Winnipeg by Sophie with 6 participants. Sophie used a mock tPad and asked participants to show how they would carry out a series of tasks using the device. This is user centric design.
- [Participant #1] (https://github.com/hcilab-um/tPad/wiki/Participant-%231-%28male%29)
- [Participant #2] (wiki/Participant-%232--%28male%29)
- [Participant #3] (wiki/Participant-%233--%28male%29)
- [Participant #4] (wiki/Participant-%234--%28male%29)
- [Participant #5] (wiki/Participant-%235--%28female%29)
- [Participant #6] (wiki/Participant-%236--%28female%29)
- [Summary] (wiki/summary)
This is a series of sketches created by Sophie as a synthesis of the brainstorming session and the workshops described above. The images can be found here. A commented version is available here.
We had a dual design iteration both in Germany and Canada about interaction techniques for the advanced features of a contact augmented reality device. The final list can be found here.
These are some initial drafts for what an introduction might look like.
- [Contact Augmented Reality] (wiki/Contact-Augmented-Reality)