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Append Animals to Include Preference

kyra-ptn edited this page Aug 25, 2024 · 2 revisions

TIP102 Unit 3 Session 1 Advanced (Click for link to problem statements)


Understand what the interviewer is asking for by using test cases and questions about the problem.

  • Q: What is the input to the problem?
    • A: The input consists of two strings: available representing the animals currently available, and preferred representing the preferred animals.
  • Q: What is the output?
    • A: The output is the minimum number of characters that need to be appended to the end of available so that preferred becomes a subsequence of available.
  • Q: What is a subsequence?
    • A: A subsequence is a sequence that can be derived from another sequence by deleting some or no characters without changing the order of the remaining characters.


Plan the solution with appropriate visualizations and pseudocode.

General Idea: Use a two-pointer approach to check how much of the preferred string is already a subsequence of available. The number of characters left in preferred after matching determines how many characters need to be appended.

1. Initialize two pointers `i` and `j` to `0`. Pointer `i` will traverse the `available` list, and pointer `j` will traverse the `preferred` list.
2. Traverse through the `available` string:
   1. If the current character in `available` matches the current character in `preferred`, move both pointers forward.
   2. If the characters do not match, move only the `i` pointer forward.
3. After the loop, if the `j` pointer has not reached the end of the `preferred` list, the remaining characters in `preferred` need to be appended.
4. Return the number of characters to append, which is `len(preferred) - j`.

⚠️ Common Mistakes

  • Incorrectly managing the pointers, leading to an incorrect count of characters to append.
  • Assuming that all characters in preferred need to be appended if any character doesn't match, rather than only the unmatched portion.
  • Not considering cases where preferred is already a subsequence of available.


def append_animals(available, preferred):
    # Step 1: Initialize pointers for both available and preferred lists
    i, j = 0, 0
    len_available = len(available)
    len_preferred = len(preferred)
    # Step 2: Traverse the available list to find how much of preferred is a subsequence
    while i < len_available and j < len_preferred:
        if available[i] == preferred[j]:
            j += 1
        i += 1
    # Step 3: Calculate the number of characters to append
    # If j has reached the end of preferred, it means all of preferred is a subsequence
    return len_preferred - j

# Example usage
print(append_animals("catsdogs", "cows"))   # Output: 2
print(append_animals("rabbit", "r"))        # Output: 0
print(append_animals("fish", "bird"))       # Output: 4
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