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Doubly Linked List

Sar Champagne Bielert edited this page Apr 20, 2024 · 1 revision

Unit 5 Session 2 (Click for link to problem statements)


Understand what the interviewer is asking for by using test cases and questions about the problem.

  • What should be the relationship between each Node in a doubly linked list?
    • Each node should point to both the next and the previous nodes in the list, facilitating bidirectional traversal.


Plan the solution with appropriate visualizations and pseudocode.

General Idea: Construct a doubly linked list from the given array of values, ensuring each node is correctly linked in both directions.

1) Create nodes for "Poliwag", "Poliwhirl", and "Poliwrath".
2) Set the `next` attribute of each node to link to the subsequent node.
3) Set the `prev` attribute of each node to link to the previous node.
4) Ensure that the first node's `prev` is `None` and the last node's `next` is `None`.

⚠️ Common Mistakes

  • Not setting the prev attribute correctly, which could lead to incorrect or incomplete backward links.
  • Forgetting to handle the ends of the list where prev or next should be None.


poliwag = Node("Poliwag")
poliwhirl = Node("Poliwhirl")
poliwrath = Node("Poliwrath") = poliwhirl = poliwrath

poliwrath.prev = poliwhirl
poliwhirl.prev = poliwag
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