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Section 1.3 Preparing Casings

Jwingrove edited this page Jun 14, 2016 · 12 revisions

Section 6 0008

You will start the assembly with glueing the casings for the RUMBA controller electronics and the display. Since the glue needs time to dry it’s to best to have this done now.

Please don’t use 1 second cyano-acrylat superglue for glueing the acrylic and printed parts, because they will probably cause ugly white stains.

Section 6 0001

Section 1 0130
1x RUMBA Case Bottom

Section 1 0131
1x RUMBA Case Cable Inlet

  • Look for the RUMBA Case Bottom part in the bag of acrylic parts.

    • Remove the protective film on the shiny side of the acrylic.

  • The Cable Inlet can be found in the bag of printed parts.

  • Stick the parts together in such a way that the printed part is flush with the engraved side of the acrylic part.

  • If the parts are not fixed well, apply some plastic glue in the corners.

    • Mind that the matte side of the acrylic is going to be the visual outside of the casing, so prevent glue stains here.

Section 6 0003

Section 1 0129
1x RUMBA Case Base

Section 1 0133
1x RUMBA Case Left Side

Section 1 0139
1x RUMBA Case Top

  • Remove the protection film on the shiny side of the acrylic.

    • Leave the protection film of the matte side in place as much a possible to prevent scratches and glue stains.

  • Connect the parts as shown above with the shiny part on top.

  • Take a good look at the image. Apply a line of glue in such a way that it will always stay inside of the casing to prevent stains.

Section 6 0004

Section 1 0135
1x RUMBA Case Right Side

  • Flip up the 3 sides as shown in the picture above, and push them well in place.

  • Prepare a line of glue on the two left corners.

  • Remove the protective film of the acrylic parts.

  • Push in the small piece as shown.

    • Apply glue if necessary.

  • Put 3 lines of glue on the shiny side of the big part as preparation.

Section 6 0005

Section 1 0132
2x RUMBA Case Corner

  • Put the Right Side of the case into position

    • It’s done easiest by placing the lower corner in position first and then turning the part in a counter clockwise direction looking from the top.

  • Slide in the 3D printed corners.

  • Put extra glue into all the corners to secure strength.

  • Fix all the parts with some tape where needed and leave it to dry.

Section 6 0006

Section 1 0134
1x RUMBA Case Lid

Section 1 0140
1x RUMBA Case FanHolder

Section 1 0141
1x 40mm Fan

  • Glue the FanHolder on the shiny side of the RUMBA Case Lid.

    • Putting the fan first helps with aligning the position of the fan holder

    • Note that the fan should NOT be glued to anything

    • The fan can be found in the box of the RAMPS electronics

    • Putting the sticker of the fan towards the outlet is recommended. Like that it will suck air out of the casing instead of blowing it in. An airstream like this reduces dust accumulations.

    • You can leave the fan.

  • The casing is now finished. The remaining parts will be glued later in the wiring section.

Section 6 0010

Section 1 0114
1x Display Case Base

Section 1 0122
1x Display Case Left

Section 1 0115
1x Display Case Back

Section 1 0118
1x Display Case Front

Section 1 0123
1x Display Case Right

  • Remove the protective film from the shiny side of the acrylic parts.

    • It’s best to leave the protective film on the matte side.

  • Put them together as shown above.

  • Apply a line of glue on the exact place as shown above.

Section 6 0011

Section 1 0116
1x Display Case Corner

  • Flip up the sides.

  • Put in the corner and glue it

  • Apply some extra glue in the inner corners of the case to secure strength

  • Put tape where needed and let the case dry.

Section 6 0012

Section 1 0125
1x Display Case Top Base

Section 1 0126
1x Display Case Top Bottom

  • Remove all the protective films, but leave the film on the matte side of the Top Bottom part.

  • Glue the two parts together, take care of alignment.

Section 6 0013

Section 1 0127
1x Display Case Window

Section 1 0128
1x Display Case Top

  • Remove only the protective film from the shiny side of the top part

  • Put the window part in without glueing it.

  • Glue the top part to the base, take care of the alignment.

  • Remove the protective film from one side of the window part and glue it to the base.

  • Double check alignment of all the parts and leave it to dry.

Section 6 0014

Section 1 0005
1x Graphic LCD Controller

Section 1 0142
4x Display spacer

  • The following steps should only be done when the glue is dry, some hours after the previous step.

  • Put the Display Spacers onto the display.

  • Slide the Display into the casing as shown below.

  • Close the casing with the lid, but don’t glue it.

Section 6 0015

Section 6 0016

Section 1 0119
1x Knob Base

Section 1 0124
1x Knob Support

Section 1 0121
1x Knob Rim

Section 1 0120
1x Knob Cushion

  • Put the Rim onto the Base and apply some little drips of 1 second super glue to the inner corner.

    • Make sure that you don’t leave glue stains

  • Glue the Support to the Base with some drips of 1 second super glue

  • Glue the Cushion to the Support with super glue.

Section 6 0017

Section 1 0117
2x Display Case Foot

  • Push the Knob onto the shaft of the Display Controller.

  • Push the feet into the casing. Apply plastic glue if necessary.

That’s it for this section. In the next section you will start mounting the Y-Axis.

##i3 Berlin
1 Introduction
1.1: History
1.2: Tools and Parts
1.3: Preparing the Casings

2 Assembly of the Y-Unit
2.1: Rods and Power Supply
2.2: Front- and Back- Plate
2.3: Mounting Y-Carriage and Belt

3 Assembly of the XZ-Unit
3.1: Mounting the X-Axis
3.2: Mounting the Z-Axis
3.3: Mounting the Timing Belt
3.4: Assembling the Extruder

4 Wiring
4.1: Wiring the Power Supply
4.2: Wiring the Z-Unit
4.3: Wiring the Y-Unit
4.4: Wiring the X-Axis
4.5: Gluing the Endstop Magnets
4.6: Uploading Firmware
4.7: Wiring the Extruder
4.8: Mounting the Heatbed

Cable Lengths Rumba

5 Calibration
5.1: Testing Functionality
5.2: Calibrating the Y Axis
5.3: Calibrating the X Axis
5.4: Calibrating the Print Platform

6 Printing
6.1: Filament Holder
6.2: Cura
6.3: Kisslicer
6.4: Dual Printing

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