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cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes December 11th, 2015

Andy Johnson edited this page Dec 11, 2015 · 1 revision

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes - December 11th, 2015


  • David Pesce – Exputo
  • Bernard Bouyt - Airbus
  • Andy Johnson – ADL (Leader for this particular meeting)
  • Ben Clark – Rustici Software
  • Brian Miller – Rustici Software
  • Art Werkenthin – RISC inc
  • Dennis Hall -


cmi5 Specification Changes

Issue #326 - Mastery Score implications

Brian has a PR in (#359). We discussed the value of MasteryScore = 0 being allowed. While this is a workaround for broken content, there is a lot of broken content, so it is worth allowing. Bad content being completely score-focused is a very real thing.

Issue #353 - Changing IRI

Changing to in the IRIs. Resolvability is a “nice-to-have”. We are worried about setting a bad practice. Jason Haag from ADL joined to discuss long-term w3id plans. The IRIs will actually be okay as W3C will own them and maintain them. The easier to use presence will be under w3id, so new IRIs should use these. The question now is if the value of keeping the current IRIs (purl only) is worth the hassle later of people being confused about the purl IRIs vs w3id IRIs.

Issue #327 - Failed having LMS Obligations

It is redundant. We are agreeing to get rid of it. This fine because there is no action for the LMS to take on a failed.

Issue #328 Conflicting Language Surrounding Passed/Failed

The sentences under each of the Passed and Failed Verbs conflicts with a previously agreed upon decision. Remove them.

**Issue #330 Abandoned being tied to a "failed" state **

Remove language indicating that Abandoned verbs should indicate failure. Discussed whether or not certain results(for non-extension properties) should be prohibited from cmi5-definted Statements where the LRS wouldn’t react to them. Agreed that:

A cmi5 defined Statement MUST NOT use result properties not specified for that particular Verb except in the case of extensions.

Issue #331 - "Failed" should not affect completion

There was a part of text that indicated this was the case, we've previously agreed it should not affect completion and this text can be removed.

Issue #336 - All example URLs should be

We all agreed this is a good practice for the document

Issue #337 ADL hosting and determining the identifier for the CourseStructure.xsd

Andy will coordinate this.

Issue #341 - AU authenticationMethod"

The proposed changes are agreed upon. Then decided that we would be in favor of removing authenticationMethod from the Course Structure.

Next Meeting:

Next Meeting: Dec 18th, 2015 – 10:30 am US Eastern Time

Previous Minutes

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