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Thomas Mann edited this page Jan 17, 2024 · 2 revisions


in lib.img.adjust

Blurs the incoming image along a directional angle.

You can override the angle and strength through an FXTexture with: R - Angle G - Strength

Using an effects texture, especially one that is a blurred version of the input image, is particularly interesting.

Input Parameters

Name (Relevancy & Type) Description
Image (Texture2DRequired) -
Size (Single) -
Samples (Single) -
Angle (Single) -
FxAngleFactor (Single) -
FxSizeFactor (Single) -
Resolution (Int2) -
Wrap (TextureAddressMode) -
FxTextures (Texture2D) -
RefinementPass (Boolean) -
RefinementSamples (Int32) -
RefineSizeFactor (Single) -


Name Type
TextureOutput SharpDX.Direct3D11.Texture2D

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